Dante's Inferno

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I just downloaded the demo on my new PS3 and I like it a lot. I've never played GOW before so I couldn't compare the two, but to say this game is a "yawn" is just ludacris! I guess if your in the mind set that this game is a rip off, then there's nothing more to say. You should just learn appreciate good games whether there similar or not.

The graphics did look pretty damn sharp though. But that may be cause I'm playing it on my PS3 1080p monitor VS my 720p tv xbox.
I"m just now getting into the God of War games, but I still find this game fun so far. I'm not sure what other people are looking at, but the game looks pretty darn good to me and the demo is pretty fun and entertaining.
Since we're comparing this to GoW anyway, I have a question for those who played GoW:
1) Are the graphics as good if not better than DI?
2) Are the cutscenes bloodier and risque (ie, nude) like DI?

If the answer to that GoW questions is yes on both, then I may be in the market for the GoW 2-pack.

This reminds me of when people were comparing Starcraft to Command & Conquer (ok, so maybe I am showing my age). Point being, if you build it, and it kicks ass, people will play both just cos the more the merrier!
^^^Its not really fair to compare DI to the previous God of War games since they were on the PS2. I haven't played the GoW demo yet so I don't know how good the graphics are in it, but I have no doubt that they'll be great.
It is. The demo is like playing a subpar God of War game. Nothing about it feels fresh, it's a complete and utter rip off of GOW, deliberate so much down to even how to restore health and mana. I was bored with it. Plus the graphics....thumbs down. Yuk.

I guess it's only redeeming factor are polygon ****s?

... or maybe the fact that it's Dante's freakin' Inferno from THE DIVINE COMEDY, one of the best pieces of literature in existence?
true that. The whole GoW is based on some modern person's imagination. DI is off of Dante's actual book.
Tried the demo today, I liked it. For what it is (a shameless GoW rip-off), it's still technically competent and fun. And it runs at a smooth, fast framerate.

The ****s were a distraction (not in a good way). They seemed more like pandering to a juvenile audience that a choice of artistic merit. I mean, it could be both, but it felt like the former more than anything else.
Just got my Order in For Dante's Inferno Death Edition
I don't care what people say about the game I'm in it for the experience, and the Visual Interpretation of the Divine Comedy
I just downloaded the demo on my new PS3 and I like it a lot. I've never played GOW before so I couldn't compare the two, but to say this game is a "yawn" is just ludacris! I guess if your in the mind set that this game is a rip off, then there's nothing more to say. You should just learn appreciate good games whether there similar or not.

The graphics did look pretty damn sharp though. But that may be cause I'm playing it on my PS3 1080p monitor VS my 720p tv xbox.

Pretty sure that has to do with the fact that you've committed treason and have never played any of the GOW games.
360 achievements:

Slaughter at Acre (5 points)
Fight against the prisoner at Acre

Abandon All Hope (15 points)
Break through the Gates of Hell

Sentence the Judge (25 points)
Defeat King Minos

Lovers Torn Asunder (25 points)
Defeat Marc Antony

The Great Worm (25 points)
Defeat Cerberus

Like Father Like Son (25 points)
Defeat Alighiero

Gates of Dis (35 points)
Enter the lower circles of The Inferno

The Harrowing (35 points)
Escape Heresy

Brotherhood (40 points)
Defeat Francesco

Bitter Sweet (50 points)
Save Beatrice

Lucifer's Match (100 points)
Defeat the Emperor of the Woeful Realm

Precious (10 points)
Find a Beatrice stone

Power of the Cross (20 points)
Find all 3 Beatrice stones

Footsteps of a Traitor (10 points)
Find 10 pieces of silver

Betrayed with a Kiss (10 points)
Find 20 pieces of silver

Well Done, Judas (20 points)
Find All 30 pieces of silver

Relic Hunter (10 points)
Find a relic

Light Relics (20 points)
Find all Holy relics

Dark Relics (20 points)
Find all Unholy relics

Forbidden Love (20 points)
Find and absolve both Francesca da Polenta and Paolo Malatesta

Old Friend (20 points)
Find and absolve Brunetto Latini

The Damned (50 points)
Punish or absolve all 27 shades of The Inferno

The Guide (40 points)
Collect all Virgil commentaries

Soul Reaper (50 points)
Collect 60,000 Souls

Burning Eyes (10 points)
Send Charon back into the abyss

Warming Up (10 points)
Perform a 50 hit combo

Masterpiece (10 points)
Perform a 200 hit combo

Poetry in Motion (20 points)
Perform a 666 hit combo

Holy Warrior (10 points)
Kill 30 Minions

Demon Slayer (10 points)
Kill 30 Demons

Bad Nanny (10 points)
Kill 20 Unbaptized Babies

Indigestion (10 points)
Kill 5 Gluttons

Confessional (10 points)
Kill 5 Heretics

Countermeasures (10 points)
Kill 20 enemies using a counter move

Superstition (10 points)
Kill 20 enemies using magic

Give Me Strength (10 points)
Open 20 Health fountains

Sorcerer's Apprentice (10 points)
Open 20 Mana fountains

Light in the Dark (30 points)
Reach Holy Level 7

Death's Apprentice (30 points)
Reach Unholy Level 7

Holy Man (30 points)
Max out the Holy path

Man of Evil (30 points)
Max out the Unholy path

Gates of Hell (60 points)
Defeat all enemy waves in the Gates of Hell Arena
i saw my brother play this last night, cut scenes were AMAZING! but in game dissapointed, it reminded me of gauntlet legends, with the over sized weapon and what not
I just played the demo like 3 times over the last 2 days and it´s awesome.
There ARE similarities to GoW, absolutly. But better somethin´ similar made good, then snatched bad, you know?
Will getin´this definatly...
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Awesome, like Challenge of the gods/titans in the middle of gaming.
Love the backgrounds and designs.
A pal of mine thinks this´ll only be like good middlefield, comparing it god of war, cause god of war is huge, which it is.
But only middlefield sounds way unrealistic, or not?
Have not yet played the demo since im still playing assassins creed 1 damn i gots some catching up to do, but i have no thoughts that it will be totally bad ass
EA bought a really awesome 30 second spot for this during 4th quarter of Super Bowl - should be pretty sweet to see it and see the response!