Super Freak
Suit looks awesome. Cannot wait for this series. Luckily, it's out tomorrow. 
Here's a link to a post about it on CBM
SPOILER! 'Matt Murdock' Suits Up In Classic Red Suit In Newest DAREDEVIL Motion Poster
Well they couldn't be "MMS" figures if they were made! But I can imagine it. If these do well enough, maybe we'll see some from the Defenders.I don't think HT will do tv shows
Speaking of that, it's really too bad that the Marvel stuff can't be more integrated. Temperament-wise, Daredevil is just about the closest thing you'll find in the Marvel U to Batman. Pairing him as a straight man with Deadpool could be so damn great. But alas. . .
Maybe WB will have the balls to do a JLI story with Batman, Guy Gardner, Booster Gold and the rest.