Super Freak
the problem is now that the EU is so vast.
there are fantastic stories and truly awful stuff too.
i, for one am glad that they have announced that the new books are going to be trilogies rather than huge arcs after fate of the jedi as its just led to the big three just never stopping and they're too old in universe now.
legacy (the comic) is ok- but too soon to the movies
what they need to go and i guess they are trying is too decompress a bit- slow the output and maximise the quality
thats why its a both good and a shame about the live action tv series
good - cause its new territory but bad because you know some w~%ker
will fill it "clever" references.
the thing with all kotor stuff for me is the technology and armour seems wrong- like the tor trailer it looks like the armour is at least as good as the armour the clones wear- 4 thousand years of no developments??
they just need to careful to over do it - but i did enjoy the tor book and loved kotor comics and games
.....and ref palpatine clone - i like to think of it as just that a clone - a trick a ploy - flash taught and a back door trick by palpatine
after all i thought only a jedi can achieve the transition??![]()
newp. sith have force ghosts as well. Exar Kun in the jedi academy trilogy, or the several sith ghosts in the graveyard at Korriban.
the thing is, jedi are content with the ghost method, sith crave the material world.