Dark Knight Headsculpt Set From Chris Howes

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Idk Chris. Licky Joker is pretty awesome. I think I want to switch to him. It's very unique!! Let me know if that's ok! :joy
Hi Everybody!

Now that Licky Joker is done and well received it's time to wrap things up and move on to the other Dark Knight sculpts. That should provide enough time for final decisions.

So, the discount period for these 3 sculpts will end on Monday, Sept. 8, at 8:00 AM ET. Any order in by then will receive the discount.

I'm making a mold on Licky today, and casting will commence tomorrow. I'm casting the other 2 already. I hope to ship all the painted copies to Kuato by Wednesday. Unpainted copies will start going out as well.

So, it would be REALLY helpful if those who haven't paid do so now (unless you make other arrangements) so I can keep track of what I need to cast and send.

Please send the PayPal payment for the SCULPTS ONLY to my PayPal address, [email protected]

Please send the PayPal payment for the PAINT WORK ONLY to Kuato's PayPal address, [email protected]


Take a look at this chart and see if I have your order correct. I'm SURE I have mistakes!! :rotfl

Organization is not my strong point. I received a couple payments without SSF screen names which I'm scratching my head over. I already know of one mistake I need to correct.

PM me with any corrections and I will make them and repost the chart for further corrections, if necessary. Thanks!!

Now that is a great table there Chris.
All those who have paid for painting, once Chris has shipped them to me I will make a new list as to each of yours expected paint times and in the order you will be which is basically order of payments received. I'm gonna be painting like wild on these so you guys can get them as quickly as possible.

Sure, I can sculpt, but I can't keep track of orders worth crap!!!!:eek:

Sorry, folks, corrections have been made. Refresh your browser to see the corrected chart.

Let me know if more corrections are needed. :google:duh:banghead
I paid for one Stern Joker head and paint applications by Kuato. But I do plan on getting another stern joker and licking joker Hopefully by tomorrow.
Hi Chris, just letting you know I have already paid for the stern looking Joker, can't wait to receive it :)

Sent you a new payment and an email to summarize my updated orders.

Please check and update your chart whenever convenient.

Thanks man.

Peter Go (vader)
Hi Chris,

I should be on the list. I paid yesterday for the Downey Jr. Iron Man head, Regular Joker head, and Bruce Wayne head. You rock.

John M.
Collector 49

Just a suggestion - maybe you should just put the updated chart on your very first posting. That will make it easier for you to update (since there's only one copy) and more convenient for everyone to locate.
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