Dark Knight Headsculpt Set From Chris Howes

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So will Kuato notify each of us in PM when he's painted our head(s) or will he just post the progress here in the forums? Are they being painted in order of payment received? thx Chris, Kuato!
Hi Chris - don't forget to mark me as paid...sent my payment back on 8/25 :)
So will Kuato notify each of us in PM when he's painted our head(s) or will he just post the progress here in the forums? Are they being painted in order of payment received? thx Chris, Kuato!

Yes I will pm you guys with pictures of each of your sculpts, You guys can feel free to put them on the thread if you'd like. And yes it is in order of payments received.


First Licky Joker came out of the mold last night...... Looks good! He's off to Kuato for painting.

I'm casting like crazy now. I'll try to have a batch to Kuato post haste.

BTW, I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone. I had no idea so many folks would want these guys! I have 109 heads to cast for SSF members. Oh, my. It's going to take a little while. :D

I've started roughing out Alfred and the others (in my spare time :rolleyes:) and I'll get back to that thread as soon as I get these heads finished up.

If all could check, one more time, that I have your order details and payment status correct, I would appreciate it. Those who have not paid, please do so at your earliest convenience so I can get your heads to you as quickly as possible.

Ok just one thing :)
I just wanted to make sure that you will be sending my head to Kuato for just a base flesh coat.
Im really sorry to bother you Chris and Kuato with one more question but how will we get to determine how we want the Joker painted? If I remember correctly we would get to pick the scene we would want the make up based off of, may be wrong tho. Just wondering. Thanks guys!
Im really sorry to bother you Chris and Kuato with one more question but how will we get to determine how we want the Joker painted? If I remember correctly we would get to pick the scene we would want the make up based off of, may be wrong tho. Just wondering. Thanks guys!

Yes you can choose how you'd want the Joker painted. Most of you who have paid have already made note as to how you'd want him painted. But those of you who weren't sure yet or haven't noted to me on paypal just email me at [email protected] with member name and how you would want yours painted.

By the way Today was the last day to make payment on Paint Service at discounted price. Those of you who have made it already are fine but any more requests the price is as follow
Paint service $35 plus $5 shipping
combined shipping is done when having multiple heads painted
have you got examples of painted joker sculpts so we can have a look at diffrenet paints for scenes. reallly wish the australian dollar was better right now i could have paid for this ages ago.
I will post up some pics as soon as I receive the Licky Joker from Chris H. which should be by Sunday or Monday. Plus once Chris sends me everyones sculpts in one package and I start filling orders I can show pics of the different requests for all of you down lower on the list.

The heads look terrific! Great work!

If you could, I think it might be helpful in this and future threads to post links back in your first post as your pics start appear though to what page the pics are in, because now there is like 1,000 pages and they hard to find for late arrivals!

Keep up the great work!
-Rick :)
Been off-line a while and I'm trying to submit my payment for the sculpt but the prices have changed. I am a part of the discount orders but I cannot remember the prices, can anyone refresh my memory please? Thanks!!!
Been off-line a while and I'm trying to submit my payment for the sculpt but the prices have changed. I am a part of the discount orders but I cannot remember the prices, can anyone refresh my memory please? Thanks!!!

Hey! Welcome back! :D

I have you down as 1 Stern Joker, unpainted, unmodified at the discounted price of $20.00 plus $5.00 shipping.

Let me know if that's the correct head and quantity.


Here is the Table once again with updates:
The heads look terrific! Great work!

If you could, I think it might be helpful in this and future threads to post links back in your first post as your pics start appear though to what page the pics are in, because now there is like 1,000 pages and they hard to find for late arrivals!

Keep up the great work!
-Rick :)

Excellent idea! I shall do so shortly.

How'd you get so smart? Wait.... I know! Must come from sittin' on top of Captain Kirk's noggin all day long.... :naughty
As suggested by William Shatner's Toupee, here are photos of the heads for newcomers. Licky Joker will be updated with a painted photo in a few days once Kuato has worked his magic.






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Got the Licky Joker in the mail today guys, I'll have pics for you all tomorrow. I'm doing a mix between Interrogation room and HT Bank Robber version. The sculpt is incredible, such detail with the tongue sticking out :)
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