Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!
Sorry I didn't speak up last night, I got home at almost midnight, had to watch the Sox try to win in the 14th inning

, but to my delight when I got home there was a box waiting for me. Cracked that sucker open and as always, the "wow" factor kicked in. I'm blown away, especially by the weathering on the jumpsuit, it's insane, and one of the first things I did was look at him from a profile, and yup, the back of the jumpsuit has that exact fold we talked about, I really think Saturday toys had to have modeled this suit for Michael Myers with all the matching details, or maybe it's just ^^^^ luck that their suit has them, either way. Your paint work on the mask and hands is insane, the detailing and weathering, so much subtlty, can't look at it without knowing and seeing the time and care put into it. The eyes work out great, from some angles they remind me of H2 when you see his eyes in the mask just after Laurie shoots him, and there's this subtle look of torment in them from some angles, and others it's pure rage. Of all my figures this is the least new looking of any of them, dude looks like he's been around the block and the small detail work on the heels that you and I talked about, very realistic looking, as someone who frequently does that to his own pants, I can say the ripping and dirtying is very realistic. You did a great job on this, and of course, the knife rocks too. I love how you got just the blood to be glossy and wet looking.
Everyone waiting on a Myers from Josh, bear with him, however long it takes, your patience will most definitely be rewarded. Michael Myers may be a simple design at his core, but the detail work that the average Halloween viewer could take for granted is poured into this figure and makes all the difference in how cool or ordinary this figure would look. Josh and I have spoken on several occassions about all the little factors that go into Michael and he know his ^^^^ and he's putting that knowledge into making these figures look their best, but quality like that won't happen quickly, and for your figure's sake you're not going to want him to force getting the detailing done, let it flow from him and you'll be glad you gave him his time on them.