Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!
Hey guys! I just wanted you all to know how deeply sorry I am....
I know I've been incredibly late. You all have been very patient with me, and for that I appreciate. Some have poked and prodded me, some have requested refunds... but that's just the nature of this work. But I want you to know that I am indeed sorry. I'm not a company, I am just a guy... and I do have feelings. I'm sorry.
The Joker was the worst thing I could have ever attempted to make. I did it, and since it was so early a project... people ordered the hell out of it. And since I was dumb and naive... I only made $20 off of each figure. There were 15 figures to be made, and I have been making them at a snails pace... They are challenging, they are draining... and they are very tough to complete. I was an idiot, and I should never have done it.
They are getting closer to being done now, and I will be happy to see them go. Myers and Roy was the next group of mistakes... tough figures to make...but at least easier than Joker. But these too take a lot out of me, and a lot of time to get right. I really do apologize for taking so long in building them.
I've learned a lot this year about making figures, and about dealing with such a massive load of work. It's not easy, this job. Sometimes you want to put your head through a wall, sometimes you can't even force yourself to paint because you are so damn drained nothing good wants to come out.
I am just a regular guy, this work doesn't get my full time attention. I have school, I have a Wife, I have a family that expects me to come out of my cave every now and again. I honestly can't sacrifice any more time than I already do to make these figures.
This year alone I have gained tons of weight, become pale, spend less time going out or with my Wife. All for the work, all for the figures, most of all....for my customers.
I can't do it anymore. I will continue to make figures, and if anyone wants to buy them they can. But the figure work will come with a price... and that price is time. They won't be fast. If you want something from me, sadly.. you will have to wait. But once you get it, you can be rest assured that a lot of love will have gone into it's creation.
But I can't do repaints of heads anymore, unless on special request... unless you are willing to wait for me. I have too much to deal with in my personal life. School is important to me, as I need to have some sort of career to support my family. My Wife is important, and soon we will be trying to have kids... so that will demand even more of my time. And I also need to take care of myself, I need to drop the weight and get out more. I don't want to end up like Jabba the Hutt afterall...
I love doing this for you guys, I love painting. But the stress is getting to me, the constant barrage of PM's and "hurry hurry" messages. It's really getting me too wound up and it's affecting my work and my life.
I will always be here to do this work for you guys, and I will continue to sell my stuff for those patient awesome fans. You guys are great, I appreciate every single one of you. Thanks for reading this ranting post...
It's back to the painting desk for me..