Chapuchi, feel free to pm me and I'll do my best to answer your questions.
Ok folks just a heads up, I'm going to try not to let it interfere with things (answering emails, painting etc) but my Dad died suddenly last night, so I may not be completely 'with it' over the next few days.
I got a call from my teary younger brother (28) saying I had to get to the hospital quickly, it was Dad. When I got there I was taken to the small room they have set aside for family members and had it all explained to me.
Dad had apparently been suffering with chest pains on and off over the last four days, but it always went away so he thought it was ok. This time (he was food shopping with my brother, and on their way home when the chest paints came back) he went to the hospital as they seemed stronger this time. They got the half hour bus journey to the hospital and went into A&E (accident & emergency). After giving over his details to the woman on the main desk, he was handed a form and told to go through to the next part where someone would look at him. Just as he was handing in his details at the next desk he just collapsed, and my brother said you could tell his body was struggling in some way internally.
Apparantly he'd had (to use the words of the nurse who briefed us) a 'massive, massive, massive heart attack'. They'll have rushed him straight into resus (picture a scene in ER.. the frantic flurry of people you see when someone collapses)
When I got to the hospital they were already working on him and barry was waiting in the family room, in pieces. We were eventually told that it wasnt looking good, and if we wanted we could go through to watch them work on him, so we did.
There was the usual pipe in his mouth and someone squeezing a bag to help him breathe, and instead of chest compressions by hand they have a machine now, that clamps over the bed, and has a giant 'pusher', that hydraulically compresses the chest. It's quite fast and violent, and not particularly pleasant to see, but it's there for a good reason.
They'd been working on him for about 50 minutes, had given him 8 cycles (I found out afterwards from Jane who does this for a living that a cycle is 2 minutes of compressions followed by a shock) so they'd thrown everything at him, but his heart was so damaged that it wasn't going to work. Eventually they gave us warning that they were going to try one last time and then if there was no improvement they were going to call it, which they eventually did.
anyway... other than the funeral arrangements, I'm going to have various family members calling me for details of how it happened and wanting to grieve (Dad had 2 sisters and a brother), and I'll have to figure out what's happening with his possessions in his flat... so I'll be quite busy for a while. And to be honest I'm finding it quite hard to concentrate at the moment anyway so even when I'm not doing all that... I may not be around much.
Having said that I may just get back on with things on Monday, I'm sure I'll speak to you all soon