This looks nice. I would've preferred a PF though.
what abt scale friends 1/5 ?? 1/4??
I can't link anywhere to prove it, but I'm 99% sure these have been stated to be 1:5.
Has anyone read what they will be made from, or have a guess on price point?
most likely polystone just like the LOTR pieces and probably around their prices too ($250ish)
Looking at the sneaks of the ones coming, I don't like the Vader holding his own mask idea. Kind of defeats the whole "If I take it off you'll die" aspect, from an artistic point of view it certainly is poetic. I'm interested to see what they do when they get to pieces like Jedi Luke or even Anakin to see if they'll do more of the artsy inspired pieces like him assembling his lightsaber, etc.