Re: Darth Vader (Mythos) Statue
Oh, I guess I could just go look...LOL Ok, 2500. Hmmmm...
Oh, I guess I could just go look...LOL Ok, 2500. Hmmmm...
how many different boba fett busts are out there from GG or other manufacturers?
compare that to the number of vader statues from SS and other companies.
This will be around for a long time and will be had for well less than msrp in due time. no question about it in my mind, especially with a new vader pf on the horizon.
I guess my point was supposed to say/sound like, i couldnt care less if 4999 people have a copy of this statue, as long as i have mine.
If SSC cant shift them & they reduce the price, that's the chance i take as a collector. I buy cause i want it, not to profit later on down the road...
Im more than happy to get my order in early and secure this statue for my collection.
The problem that hasn't been mentioned is that these inflated ES numbers especially on Vader will affect the long term viability of the Mythos line. This means Sideshow will be less inclined to produce new pieces in the line if they can't sell out of the ones they currently have. Like it or not many collectors tie ES to price and if the ES is deemed to high for the price, the piece won't sell well.
They have yet to sell out of any Mythos piece in the line so far and it isn't because the pieces aren't exceptional because they are. I think it has to do more with price point and ES.
Nr.1 is the price point why they havent sold out yet
I would have every single one on PO if they had a $250 price tag on it
I agree, you mention some valid points.
Call me naive, but surely a multi million dollar company like SSC has the business sense & marketing team to deliver such product at this price point & ES?
They must have reason to set these edition sizes. Otherwise they must set the edition sizes to the vocal minority on these message boards.![]()
FYI, the Greivous will be pre-cyborg, so maybe not what you might be expecting.
yeh isn't it based off this image of Greivous?:
great pics maverick, your saber looks like it tilts the other way to mine?. Mine tilts down on the left side and raises up on the right. where it looks like yours raises up on the left side and goes down on the right. if you know where i mean.
That would make a nice PF right there.
yeh isn't it based off this image of Greivous?:
great pics maverick, your saber looks like it tilts the other way to mine?. Mine tilts down on the left side and raises up on the right. where it looks like yours raises up on the left side and goes down on the right. if you know where i mean.
Venomsaurus...nuff said.
But that was a horrible statue! This is Vader![]()
SSC must have a lot of pre-orders?
I just don't wanna pay $350 for a statue thats going to be worth $250 or less. Once these collectibles start losing value its over. Like the SS/Weta stuff. Once that line got over produced and lost value everyone get rid of their stuff.