Re: Darth Vader (Mythos) Statue
Just got another flex pay charge.
One more to go.
Will we get this by Sept???
Just got another flex pay charge.
One more to go.
Will we get this by Sept???
I just noticed that...however this pic shows that there is a lightsaber hilt on his belt.
Now having said that...let's see if it makes it into the final product!
What an amazing looking piece. I can't wait!
I gotta admit that with my Kenobi in hand, the pics I've seen of Maul and Fett, I'm starting to think SS might just be able to pull off a great paintjob on this Vader. If they do, this Vader could be one of the better statues of him made available. Come on SS, don't let us down.
Man, I'd really love it if they'd offer the clean undamaged version of this figure too, as seen in the prototype pictures - perhaps as an exclusive. The tattered look is just not for me.
If you want a clean undamaged one there are probably 100 different ones to pick from. Every Vader statue made just about is clean and undamaged.
thats right but they all are not right somehow.. or to expensive (ATTAKUS 1st Vader)
If you want a clean undamaged Vader in this format I'm sure there are people out there that will fix this piece up for you at a cost.
For me, I like seeing something different for a change.
Personally, I love the concept. I like that SS has rolled the dice on some outside-the-box concepts for these characters. They are taking chances with this line, knowing that a nice clean shiny Vader will sell. This is what a one-of-a-kind piece will look like. This is the most introspective Vader Ive ever seen. The most battle damaged. Standing over Mustafar flame looking into the eyes of his own cage...I love it!
It doesn't get much better than this. I have no complaints.
SS, go ahead and make another "throne room battle stance" or "standing upright holding his belt" Vader for anyone looking for something more generic. For me, please keep this line going!