Jeez I haven't heard back from sideshow about my replacement correct arm. Should I be worried?
I did contact them when the first batch went out but it's been quiet. Has anyone received it yet or been included in there Darth Vader mythos box?
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Hey everyone, I'm new to the boards. First post here.
Just got my statue and I guess I'm having the same arm problem as everyone....
So I should e-mail sideshow??
uploaded a photo here
ambasah... you have all Vaders out there I believe.. whats the best Vader Statue at the moment in your opinion ?
I am missing the newest GG one (on the stairs), the CM, and the real bronze versions, but have the rest.
I saw the Gentle Giant "Vader on stairs" in a comic shop and thought it was atrocious. Compared to their previous statues, the proportions are completely out of whack. It looks like a bad imitator of the Kotobukiya Revenge of the Sith statue. Similar pose, but far less dynamic.
On the other hand, I think Gentle Giant's Kneeling Vader is an excellent piece, and that's what I'd recommend to anyone who doesn't want to fork over the money for the Attakus statues and doesn't like the glow effect on the Mythos.
The kneeling Vader is very nice, but this Mythos piece is head and shoulders above anything GG has done, IMHO.