Super Freak
I checked right before I posted and it still said TBD, that is odd.
That's weird. It says 750 on the EX when I pull it up, but the reg is still TBD.
I checked right before I posted and it still said TBD, that is odd.
It does for me too now, but I checked before I replied to him the first time and it still was not listed for me.That's weird. It says 750 on the EX when I pull it up, but the reg is still TBD.
Drakul, still selling this mythos?
It does look really good. But at $520 I'm still sticking with my original Maul PF over this.
So you like the original more?
Personally I would simply sell it to get this one, I think that would cover a good chunk of the cost which would make the price less relevant I guess.
This is a far superior pose and sculpt imo. I love Darth Maul but I could never bring myself to purchase the original PF due to the sculpt which is one of the worst I have seen for this character.
So you like the original more?
Personally I would simply sell it to get this one, I think that would cover a good chunk of the cost which would make the price less relevant I guess.
This is a far superior pose and sculpt imo. I love Darth Maul but I could never bring myself to purchase the original PF due to the sculpt which is one of the worst I have seen for this character.
It does look really good. But at $520 I'm still sticking with my original Maul PF over this.
I don't know if I like the original more or not, all I know is to me this is not worth the additional $240 more than what the original went for, and Maul is my favorite SW character. Being an owner of the original I absolutely love the sculpt and definitely can see Ray Park's likeness in it. i also love the grimacing face and action pose of the original. I can definitely see Ray Park in this too, but again its not worth the additional money to me as it doesn't offer anything that drastically different. This should have at least included the cloak for the price.
Agreed. The first Maul is the first PF I bought, and its still my favorite PF. This one does look awesome too, but it offers nothing the original doesn't have. Also, no cloak for $520 is a total fail.
Very good analysis of the pieces being offered.I kinda feel obligated to get this piece.
-Kylo is a definite out as the most expensive price with no "features" (no light up anything, terribly stupid EX) and having the "standard Ren" pose we've seen plastered on other figures, posters, and kid's party cups (etc) who's at a lame medium edition size ($560 / 1500)
-Vader is kinda okay with very decent features (light up saber, base, chest, belt) and a luke-warm pose that could be/should be better (arms too far apart, head tilted too high, right leg positioned like he's a dog who's about to pee on a hydrant) who has a terribly high edition size ($499 / 7500)
-Maul is lacking hard in the features department (no lights, no cloak, no great EX piece<okay, but not great>) and has an A+ pose with a pretty decent edition size ($519 / 750)
With a $20 difference between him and Vader, the price isn't too awful of a difference. The lack of lights hurt him greatly, but the pose and sculpt equal the very best Sideshow has ever produced for any other statue in their past. And because the edition size is so low, if he ends up being rated S-class he's gonna disappear fast when compared to Vader (notice how I'm not even bringing up Ren in this, lol)...
Hmmm.... decisions decisions