Darth Vader life-size Bust--PREORDER NOW ON PAGE ONE!!!!

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no. 100 in the house!



Wow this is one amazing piece. Just a quick question guys, if I put myself on the wait list, do I still have to pay the required deposit?

I've been on the waitlist for over a month. The chances are practically nil of being converted. For every conversion that occurs, someone out there would be losing their $250 deposit. I don't think there are too many people willing to throw away that kind of money... lol. To date, I've only heard of one conversion.

As for the deposit, you would only be required to leave one once you've been guaranteed a piece.
Otherwise, SS would have 500 non-refundable deposits for 300 pieces. It's not in their practice to do such things.
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I've been on the waitlist for over a month. The chances are practically nil of being converted. For every conversion that occurs, someone out there would be losing their $250 deposit. I don't think there are too many people willing to throw away that kind of money... lol. To date, I've only heard of one conversion.

As for the deposit, you would only be required to leave one once you've been guaranteed a piece.
Otherwise, SS would have 500 non-refundable deposits for 300 pieces. It's not in their practice to do such things.

Thanks for the info guys! Looks like I'll miss out on this ex piece. :( Guess I'll just have to pick up the regular edition at a local shop and have my friend build a stand for the helmet and mask.

I'll just keep my wait list reservation for now just in case. I'm still quite new so my bad if this has been asked a thousand times but since this piece is limited to 300 pieces, is it 300 pieces for the regular edition and the exclusive edition or a combined run of 300 pieces?
Congrats!! May I ask when it converted?

Thanks! It showed up yesterday and I really can't say more than has already been said. Amazing piece!

WL order placed 11/29/09, converted 01/26/10, #237.
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Thanks for the info guys! Looks like I'll miss out on this ex piece. :( Guess I'll just have to pick up the regular edition at a local shop and have my friend build a stand for the helmet and mask.

I'll just keep my wait list reservation for now just in case. I'm still quite new so my bad if this has been asked a thousand times but since this piece is limited to 300 pieces, is it 300 pieces for the regular edition and the exclusive edition or a combined run of 300 pieces?

300 for the exclusive....the regular is still an open run that SS will close at some point.
Thanks for the info guys! Looks like I'll miss out on this ex piece. :( Guess I'll just have to pick up the regular edition at a local shop and have my friend build a stand for the helmet and mask.

I'll just keep my wait list reservation for now just in case. I'm still quite new so my bad if this has been asked a thousand times but since this piece is limited to 300 pieces, is it 300 pieces for the regular edition and the exclusive edition or a combined run of 300 pieces?

There are 300 Ex pieces. The edition run of the regs has yet to be determined.
I'm thinking perhaps 500?

P.S. Most of us ask questions which have been asked a 1000 times already... lol. Welcome to the club!
Is Razor's Edge still the best place to get a regular one, price-wise? I see there's is only about $1,130 shipped. Not bad at all. I'll never be removing his helmet anyway
Here is my exclusive no 77 :gun

Absolutely mindblowing........the exclusive Dart Vader lifesize bust from Sideshow
this time truely with a paint-finish as a new car (Ironman 1:1 bust no no no no...)

no 77:300








Hey Guys,

I got my regular Vader bust yesterday and I love the piece the details are amazing. It is one of the best mass produced pieces I have ever seen. Being a Vader snob my only complaints are that details is wrong on the lower jaw piece....It should be gunmetal like the mask with one black tust tube. The correct ROTJ tusks should be pointed not rounded, The SS piece is all black with rounded tusks...but I can live with it :) My other gripe is bigger, the dome placement and shape are wrong for ROTJ and the OT all together, the SS piece is kind of a hybrid, PT/OT dome. It flares out way to much. I took a few pics with one of my other Vader lid domes on it to show what it could look like with the correct shape and sitting correctly on the mask. Here it is with a ANH dome on it...It makes a huge difference in the look of the bust...way more OT Vader. It also hides the mask details very well.

Since I plan on displaying the Anakin portrait 90% it doesn't bother me too much...but I am having one of my accurate ROTJ domes modified to fit the bust if I ever want to display it with the mask on.

I really do love the piece it is jaw dropping to see in person...SS really did a great job. Could have been perfect with a few tweaks from SS for accuracy, but it is a solid 9/10!