Perhaps I'm being naive but my spider senses are telling me that they made a decision to pull the Fett owing to the outcry regarding the lack of accuracy. I bet they got a lot of canceled orders/complaints and have therefore pulled the item early on the production line. And with word of mouth spreading within the community with respect to how poorly it turned out, I bet they realized they would either have to completely retool it and reintroduce it or cancel it outright. That being said, I feel like they may just be acting proactively with the Vader and reassessing their QC procedures to ensure that they don't run into the same issue that they did with Fett. Notice that the Han Solo in Carbonite is still up there as it likely turned out better. If the ridiculously overpriced HIC is moving well enough to warrant continuing production, I find it hard to believe that there's not robust demand for Vader and/or Fett (unless they just overmanufactured the HIC and are desperate to move it out hence he's still up there). Either way, with all the hype surrounding these releases in the highly "celebrated" (their press release verbiage) life size line, this is a pretty embarrassing turn of events.