Darthstitch Collection pics..update on last page

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I am so Liking the New Look my Friend

My friend it would be great to sit and relax with a pint of beer in that room.

I'd love to run around pantless in there :lecture

Great, great thanks my friends :1-1:

Incredible collection ... one of the first collections I saw when I joined, and still impresses. Man, that white Besta sure looks good, the statues just "pop" in them (says Man who just bought 6 black Bestas). Oh well.
Couldn't have said it better my self..:goodpost: :exactly: :hi5: :clap :lecture

Incredible collection ... one of the first collections I saw when I joined, and still impresses. Man, that white Besta sure looks good, the statues just "pop" in them (says Man who just bought 6 black Bestas). Oh well.

Nice update on your setup! Is cool!

More greatness! Love the whole setup darth! :rock

Many thanks for the kind comments my friends :hi5: