David Ayer's Academy Award winning "Suicide Squad"

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DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Maybe it's a marketing strategy to make us absolutely hate him. It's working cus he's
Dbag number one in my book!
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Maybe it's a marketing strategy to make us absolutely hate him. It's working cus he's
Dbag number one in my book!

Its one thing to want to make us hate the actual character but another thing to make us hate the direction and look of that character.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Truthfully, I'm kind of on the fence, and, depending on how they approach it, I may kind of like what they're doing with Joker. Too often does the villain steal the show, but we haven't even seen a trailer, yet, and already, we hate what a colossal ********* this guy is. It really does seem like they're making us despise him, and, hopefully, it will be all the more satisfying when Batman pummels the ever living **** out of him.

I never thought of that.

As far as villains go, you could say that the Nicholson and Ledger Jokers are too likeable. Lets face it, for a lot of people, they steal the spotlight over Batman and are just as likeable with their charisma, if not more so. It has a lot to do with the showmanship of the character, the lines and the idealologies they spew I think

It would be interesting if they take a different approach with this Joker and make him truly unlikable and poisonous. From live action to animated shows, there really hasn't been a Joker that I've seen where I want to see Batman kick his ass because of how cruel or sick he is. I'm not saying past incarnations aren't villainous or the "bad guy", but it's hard not to like them. It's sort of like Hans Gruber, Clarence Boddicker, Magneto, Hans Landa, Loki, off the top of my head. I'm not sure what to expect from this Leto Joker.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

By that logic, they should just actually cast Justin Beiber.

You do that with storytelling, not tattooing "I'm a ****** bag" on his face. Have him kill a family, or some kids. Something actually despicable. And beating Harley would be perfect too since she should be the more sympathetic character here.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Just out of curiosity why do people hate the "damaged" tattoo so much? Does it have some pop cultural reference I'm not getting? Did Miley Cyrus actually sport one in a video or something? I just ask because he's covered in tattoos and people are carrying on like it's the damaged tattoo alone that is the dealbreaker.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

I don't like the tats, but I'm not going to jump to conclusions yet. I've got to see it first. I would hope they wouldn't waste Leto in the role, so I highly doubt this Joker will be awful or cringeworthy. I don't know.

Every Joker after Cesar Romero has gotten just a little bit more extreme visually. Each character interpretation changes and is a deconstruction of the last. Maybe a grill and tats is the next logical direction? Dunno. I have to see this guy in action.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Just out of curiosity why do people hate the "damaged" tattoo so much? Does it have some pop cultural reference I'm not getting? Did Miley Cyrus actually sport one in a video or something? I just ask because he's covered in tattoos and people are carrying on like it's the damaged tattoo alone that is the dealbreaker.

No cultural reference, it's just juvenile, it's the most juvenile of all the tats he has, the rest are covered, so they're tolerable.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Just out of curiosity why do people hate the "damaged" tattoo so much? Does it have some pop cultural reference I'm not getting? Did Miley Cyrus actually sport one in a video or something? I just ask because he's covered in tattoos and people are carrying on like it's the damaged tattoo alone that is the dealbreaker.

No, no direct connection but it literally was the first thing that I, and a lot of other people thought of when we saw that first pic released and I think that bodes poorly. You shouldn't look at the Joker and go "Miley Cyrus?"

The rest of that tats aren't on his face and will be covered up most of the time so it's not as bad, but the idea of the Joker basically needs to advertise himself is really lame. Everything else I'm fine with, even the grill makes sense if his teeth were indeed knocked out. A prison isn't going to pay for really nice expensive crowns.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

I never thought of that.

As far as villains go, you could say that the Nicholson and Ledger Jokers are too likeable. Lets face it, for a lot of people, they steal the spotlight over Batman and are just as likeable with their charisma, if not more so. It has a lot to do with the showmanship of the character, the lines and the idealologies they spew I think

It would be interesting if they take a different approach with this Joker and make him truly unlikable and poisonous. From live action to animated shows, there really hasn't been a Joker that I've seen where I want to see Batman kick his ass because of how cruel or sick he is. I'm not saying past incarnations aren't villainous or the "bad guy", but it's hard not to like them. It's sort of like Hans Gruber, Clarence Boddicker, Magneto, Hans Landa, Loki, off the top of my head. I'm not sure what to expect from this Leto Joker.

Well, the Joker in TDK was really the hero of the story, not batman, so it makes sense to like him. He did more to eliminate crime, corruption and the mob, than Batman ever did in 3 films :lol
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Just out of curiosity why do people hate the "damaged" tattoo so much?

Well for one, it isn't exactly subtle.

Joker has always been a pretty classy guy. Having a blatant tattoo on your head that screams "hey, I'm damaged goods bro!" kind of contradicts that.

I'd take the grill over it any day. Atleast you could have a back story to that, like Batman punched his front teeth out. What are they going to think up for the damaged tat (if they even acknowledge it). It's just not tasteful in my opinion.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

If you guys have seen TDK Returns animated film, that's how you make people dislike Joker. Have him kill David Letterman and a studio audience. Have him go to a fair and massacre families having a good time, kill couples in the tunnel of love, take a kid hostage. Cripple Barbra. Kill **** Grayson. And like I said, beat the **** out of Harley for no reason. Be willing to let her die. She's the more main character here and if she's fleshed out right, there would be no reason for kids to go "oh cool, he hits women."
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Well for one, it isn't exactly subtle.

Joker has always been a pretty classy guy. Having a blatant tattoo on your head that screams "hey, I'm damaged goods bro!" kind of contradicts that.

Maybe he considers it ironic? I'm not being an apologist, just offering a consideration since I don't really have a horse in this race.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

If you guys have seen TDK Returns animated film, that's how you make people dislike Joker. Have him kill David Letterman and a studio audience. Have him go to a fair and massacre families having a good time, kill couples in the tunnel of love, take a kid hostage. And like I said, beat the **** out of Harley for no reason. Be willing to let her die. She's the more main character here and if she's fleshed out right, there would be no reason for kids to go "oh cool, he hits women."

I thought he was likable in that film, then again, he killed Conan O'Brien, not Letterman, so maybe that's why :monkey3
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

By that logic, they should just actually cast Justin Beiber.

You do that with storytelling, not tattooing "I'm a ****** bag" on his face. Have him kill a family, or some kids. Something actually despicable. And beating Harley would be perfect too since she should be the more sympathetic character here.

Not really, because Justin Bieber can't act. I don't know. I'm with you, in a lot of ways, in that I think it looks stupid as **** and, by itself, I don't like it, but, I guess, depending on how his characterization plays into it, maybe I wouldn't dislike it as much if he was just a douchey punching bag for Batfleck. I'm digging the idea that the grills are there because Batfleck knocked his teeth out, though, and I'm hoping that winds up being the case, because one look at Batman in that BvS trailer, and you know the guy can do some serious damage, and just looking at this Joker, I feel like it's not difficult to see why this guy would draw the ire of The Dark Knight.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Joker does all sorts of ****** stuff on movies, cartoons and comics and people still love him, it does sound like a fresh strategy to have people hate the Joker, if that is really what they're doing.