Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)
You know with how often you bad-mouth women about feminism, you seem pretty damn sexist yourself.
Well technically cosplaying in booths Is defined as sexist though. Cons are kinda sexist but cosplaying is empowering, Con booths have a sexist environment. Men grab the girls butts or ****s all the time, I was being sarcastic about it but ill be serious now.
just go look what feminism says about cosplaying and cons. But then there are some double standards as well because a girl getting paid to cosplay a revealing costume is sexist (being paid for her looks ) like those "booth babes" but then If that girl wears that same thing without getting paid then it becomes empowering (her body her choice to wear it) but then why not respect the choice of the booth babe to work wearing that..
The thing that I don't understand is double standards. How hooters can be sexist but an alternative bar having daily burlesque show for big beautiful women is empowering .... So what makes it se is is... The way the hooters girls look? Beauty is sexist?
Cons and the sexism in cons is all over the place.
I find it bizarre how something can be can be both sexist or empowering depending on profit being made or how the girl looks. You know ? Kinda hard to know where they stand with double thinking that goes on
Cons are very problematic when it comes to girls. And men invading their privacy
Some do and some don't. And damn thats sexist lol
Pffffff booth babes are the best thing about cons, that's half the reason I show up in the first place.
I HAVE been in cons and I HAVE cosplayed. I also love the booth babes, I have paid for pics and I have liked all their fb pages, they get nothing but admiration from me cuz they're so hot lol. but feminism says they are self hating sexist women under the spell of patriarchy. I don't know. Men in cons DO go too far sometimes and sexually harass women all the time. there IS a sexist element to guys in cons grabbing butts and ****s and even trying to kiss chicks.
Don't think this is the place for this conversation, I have links but I not at my computer to get them.
Why the hell do u ask such an idiotic question in this thread?? Lol