Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)
Finally saw this movie tonight.
Some quick thoughts...
Did I enjoy it: Yes!
Would I happily watch it again: Yes.
The Joker: Leto did well with how he was asked to work within the story. With him not being an active antagonist in the main story it's hard to judge him against past Joker's. He's bascially the catalyst that drives Harley's back story throughout the movie and offers her an escape route in the present timeline. It lefting me wanting to see more of him as the main villian in future movies.
*Deadshot - past and present. Will Smith delivered.
*Harley - She's a love her or you're content with her sort of character. I thought she was great. Margot owned that character.
*End fight - Reminded me of the Ghostbusters vs Gozer. I'm not comparing the two, I just got the same vibes. The fight against Enchantress in her free Witch form was cool.
*The bar scene - could have watched that for another good 5-10 minutes easily, some good character building there. Seems like that scene was shortened?...
*Music - for me it all worked, none of it felt out of place and Kanye showing up made that Deadshot scene even better.
*I like that the main part of the movie played out in one location over a short amount of time - it felt contained.
*Mid-credits scene - Bruce Wayne, need I say more?!
Whilst not a major dislike I didn't care for the brother; design wise or role really. Might have been cooler if Enchantress had some co-demons or something as backup. It's hard to judge villains these days as between Marvel & DC it seems like they have a hard time delivering something that could be considered a great villain.
Overall score - 7.5/10. Although I've given movies 8/9's before and never watched them again. Suicide Squad is one of those fun movies that would be an fun and easy watch from time to time.