Another bit that made more sense the second time around was Croc underwater at the end. I literally thought he went full homicidal on all the soldiers out of the blue but then last night I noticed that there were extra blob head minions down there that he was fighting with instead. Makes a lot more sense now. And of course him getting tangled up with them presented a feasible reason for why he was out of the blast radius.
I found myself really liking Enchantress. Since what's her name isn't a great actress it was a really good move to have her voiced by some cool Cate Blanchett sounding chick. Also by having her be the main villain it also provided a nice organic reason for why the team would immediately be called into action. So often with movies like this the simultaneous creation of both the heroes and the villains are just so damned eye rollingly contrived. The worst ever of course being the original 2002 Spider-Man where Peter and Norman both spontaneously becoming opposing superbeings the exact same week under completely different circumstances. Talk about a bajillion to 1 scenario.
And it's interesting that Bruce Wayne basically owns Amanda Waller now. I'm guessing she'll be working her ass off to get some dirt on him to even out the "leverage." Unless of course the assumption is simply that she knows he's Batman and he'll keep her involvement in destroying Midway City a secret as long as she keeps quiet. But I don't think that that last scene really said one way or another if she knows or not. For all she knows he's just the "Amanda Waller" of the Justice League; a normal who organizes the supers.
And I don't know if it was just because some of you planted the seed or not but watching Joker and Harley rise from the chemicals with that music did feel kind of Twilight-ish.

So karamazov I'll give that one to you bud. But interestingly enough I still LOVE how that scene is not only staged but also edited in with the "present day" footage. Not only does the sequence start out with a cool "Ghostbusters" moment (Harley getting tired while ascending the massive staircase) but I really liked how they took the opportunity to, again, organically have her look over the rail and be reminded of her fall at the Chemical Plant. And then having her snap out of it and almost blow Deadshot's head off. Great editing, great character moments for all.
And being an idiot who does NOT know these characters comic/cartoon backstories it actually clicked that those chemicals turned her skin white like the Joker's. Derp.

I guess I assumed she was either really pale or had make-up or something. I think Heath Ledger might have contributed to me not instantly making the assumption that their actual skin was white.