David Ayer's Academy Award winning "Suicide Squad"

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Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

I need to see what's going on under Boomerang's coat.
I wanna see dem big boomerangs of his...


Everyone wants to see Harley get nude

This guy wants to see what's underneath boomerangs clothes :lol
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

You know I take that back I think people are just excited to see their favorite female character on screen! I think most of the swooning is on Facebook not really this thread, this thread has a lot of great information and believe me it's not like I wouldn't take a second look at her on the street. I do like my old ladies

I guess i should just get wet my pants over yet ANOTHER iron man hot toys figure... :lol
Or maybe wet over avengers and how sexy ultron is....... Lol
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

Task force X :yuck

I'd be annoyed if WB / DC did that.

My guess is that "Suicide Squad" will be either nickname for "Task Force X" or something that comes out of it, not the official designation in the DCCU. I wouldn't be shocked if we never hear them referred to that until the end and Amanda Waller is the one who calls them that or something.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

Sweet Baby Jesus, give us some Dr. Harleen Quinzell. :monkey5


I suddenly need a round of therapy sessions. :monkey3
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

I really don't see why WB would shy away from making an R-rated movie about Supervillains. They seem to be heavily invested in this idea of a darker, more serious universe, and that certainly doesn't seem to be the approach I'd be taking with an all-ages audience. They seem to be gearing these movies towards adults, anyway, so, I say "go for it, and let Ayer do what he knows how to do best."
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to batfan08 again.

Punisher WZ and Dredd were a hard R, I think each made $37.50 at the box office. I'm being generous.

My goodness margro is just way to gorgeous.

Will Smith really looks like a villain here. He's never been a bad guy before has he?
Sort of, in Six Degrees of Separation. I suspect here he'll be the equivalent of the "whore with the heart of gold" who is much more of a good guy than the other psychos and degenerates.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

I really don't see why WB would shy away from making an R-rated movie about Supervillains. They seem to be heavily invested in this idea of a darker, more serious universe, and that certainly doesn't seem to be the approach I'd be taking with an all-ages audience. They seem to be gearing these movies towards adults, anyway, so, I say "go for it, and let Ayer do what he knows how to do best."

The only thing I see being an issue with an R rating is future use of the characters. Would you really want to see these guys at the R rated level only to seem them watered down in a PG-13 Batman, etc movie? That's the tough part there. Once you make one of these guys R rated, they will seem tame when brought back to the PG-13 rating the rest of the films will have. I mean if they let Joker go full out crazy in R rated fashion, he's just not going to be as scary when he finally faces PG-13 Batman.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

I mean if they let Joker go full out crazy in R rated fashion, he's just not going to be as scary when he finally faces PG-13 Batman.

Maybe not, besides nudity/sexual content and maybe drug use, the thing that makes a film rated R is the blood and language. The Joker doesn't really curse, and he can still be pretty violent, as long as the violence isn't too graphic or bloody. Ledger's Joker was pretty violent, and the TDK was PG-13, so I don't mind if they make certain films R and others PG 13. It could work, imo.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

how are parents going to explain to little Timmy that he cannot see the Harley and Joker movie because there is blood and violence in it and he freaks out and starts crying non stop


What happens when the parents of little Timmy don't read the rating and take him to the movie and they are shown both, Harley nude and the Joker Bashing someone's head with a pipe???

Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

how are parents going to explain to little Timmy that he cannot see the Harley and Joker movie because there is blood and violence in it and he freaks out and starts crying non stop


What happens when the parents of little Timmy don't read the rating and take him to the movie and they are shown both, Harley nude and the Joker Bashing someone's head with a pipe???


Same way they do it with their DC Animated films. Aren't some of those movies really violent and have bad language? I haven't seen all of them.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

Same way they do it with their DC Animated films. Aren't some of those movies really violent and have bad language? I haven't seen all of them.

those are not released on theaters. as good as they are, most people dont even know they exist, but anything on the big screen automatically makes people wanna check it out