Premium Format DC Comics Superman Premium Format Figure

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Yep, they ran out of replacements. If this hadn't been as popular and they had some in stock they would have exchanged it for one of those. It also might be one of those situations where they didn't get a whole lot of replacements because of the shipping issues they seem to be having. You are unfortunately out of luck, it absolutely sucks for you, however you are not out any money, and making it sound like Sideshow has robbed you somehow, or that they are losing droves of customers because of this is a bit over the top. Bottom line is Sideshow generally has outstanding customer service, but sadly this time they couldn't give you what you wanted.

No reason they can't make more replacement parts and put people on a wait list for them. On collectible items like this a 100% refund policy is not good enough IMO if the customer wants the item and has waited a year or more for it. I could understand if these were very late WL conversions 6 months after the last batches ship, but no parts when some people have not even gotten them yet is completely unacceptable.
I think you need some literacy help. First, I discussed the issues the consumer would have by getting a broken product that has been placed in preorder. Thus, what I was able to do is analyze the issues that a consumer would have to deal with by putting myself in someone else's shoes. I have not had a bad experience on the level of BLS. However, I saw enough evidence to be able to form an opinion about his situation. It is fine that you disagree.

I have a joke for you, 97.4% of all statistics are made up. I am glad you are good at making up numbers. You might enjoy a career in politics. But seriously, there are a lot of people upset. Most are in the group that hasn't gotten there statue. Now their fears have been realized, there are no replacements. I haven't gotten mine. I am sure I love it, but I am a bit worried.

I was not making a comment just about this statue, but about recent issues that have occurred on several other statues. I have been reading QC complaints people have had on the Apoc Premium Format, and it is more than just .01 % of the people. Several people have said they feel lucky that their statue showed up without minimal issues. I was one of several people whose statue showed up soaking wet. For me it was Sauron, but I know of others. Not the box, but the statue. I didn't find any rust, so I didn't need to get a replacement. The argument that many of the XM posters are making is that they want top level quality. They want a statue that is very close to the prototype. Don't believe me, read theM. From what I have seen, Superman is overall the best statue of the year. It is actually better than the prototype. I have no complaints about the statues that have been received without issue. This was not the statue BLS received, and now it is concern for all of us that are waiting.

Ok, so you want me to address your previous points, here you go:

Well the customer loses in several ways.
1. If they really want the piece, they will have to pay more on the secondary market.

So do anyone who didn't preorder. But in the big scheme of things a statue is not something you have to have, so if you buy it because you desperately want it, that decision is on you, that cost is on you.

2. Most pieces require a NRD and some people use flex pay. I don't know about you, but my money makes money. Thus, there is a loss of potential gains.

If you are seriously making that much money investing your $40 elsewhere then your first point wouldn't be an issue. Even at 10% interest, which is unheard of, you would be out $4 of possible potential earnings. Is that really worth whining over?

3. Because most of the exclusives are done on preorder, the consumer plans to have the funds to buy a product. Thus, the consumer will pass on other collectibles to save for the one they want. Hence, if it comes to them broken they also missed out on another in demand item that they would have gotten if they had known their item would be broken.

Again it's a life choice. You are not in any way financially harmed by not buying another potential statue.

4. There is a loss of time. Time is money. I do not want to spend my time talking with Sideshow on the phone or through email about defective products.

Been there, done that. It's really no time at all to handle these situations with Sideshow. 10-15 minutes out of your day will not financially impact your life in the slightest.

5. For me the biggest problem is that we buy these items because we want them. We look forward to getting them. Sometimes for over a year. This is not the instant gratification hobby. Thus, after an extensive and anticipated wait, we end up with nothing. If this doesn't bother you, why are you buying statues?

Boom, we finally have the real answer, I WANT IT!!! That's what it really boils down to. Unfortunately "I WANT IT" doesn't amount to financial loss.

As for XM, you could buy a Superman EX or Apoc on the secondary market and it will still cost you less than buying from XM. They also have very small edition sizes, so your rather likely to not even be able to preorder one to begin with. And even with all their hype, I still think the head sculpts on their statues are quite off thus making them inferior to what I would get from Sideshow anyways. But if you like them and have that much cash to toss around, have at it.
Well said stingray. I will stop posting. I don't want to seem like we are all jumping on csi, even thought he tried to make it personal with me. Let's hope they solve this problem for BLS. If not, maybe someone on the forums can help.
When did i say that?? Lol, youre joking right.

Wasn't referring to you, but to the poster making a list of the financial impact he was out because of a damaged statue.

No reason they can't make more replacement parts and put people on a wait list for them. On collectible items like this a 100% refund policy is not good enough IMO if the customer wants the item and has waited a year or more for it. I could understand if these were very late WL conversions 6 months after the last batches ship, but no parts when some people have not even gotten them yet is completely unacceptable.

So I take it you are going to protest by canceling all your preorders and not giving Sideshow a dime of your money until they rectify this completely unacceptable situation?
Well said stingray. I will stop posting. I don't want to seem like we are all jumping on csi, even thought he tried to make it personal with me. Let's hope they solve this problem for BLS. If not, maybe someone on the forums can help.

No prob, it is not the 1st time, won't be the last. I just went through the same thing with my Batman EX(although kudos to them for finding a cape after thinking they did not have any at first) and have not even gotten my Superman yet so I am a concerned party also.
So I take it you are going to protest by canceling all your preorders and not giving Sideshow a dime of your money until they rectify this completely unacceptable situation?
Yes, because that is the sane and intelligent thing to do...:cuckoo:
Complaining to them and helping them understand how to fix the problem to the satisfaction of all parties is the way to go. Extra parts=happy customers, if they happen to order too many sell them as spares. They won't lose money.
Well, initially I said that they were passing their quality control issues to the consumer. There was no mention of money. By what I meant was that they wanted you to accept an inferior product by offering you a 45 dollar refund instead of replacement. There is no doubt that this was a QC lapse. This was not done during shipping. After some thought, this might be more of a logistical growth problem for Sideshow. But I did want to show that there are monetary concerns, as well. Hence, the response I made next.

Oh, and when you flex large statues, it is a huge chunk of change. I have over 1000 dollars wrapped up in Doom LSF already. So, yes I could easily invest 1000.
So sideshow offered me $45, return it or take a replacement body with the same issues.

They offer ZERO options of keeping the ex parts and ordering a reg edition.

BLS, take the replacement body. I think they are saying it has the same issues just to get you to take the credit or refund. Make them ship you the replacement. What's the worst thing that can happen? You'd be in the same boat you're in now. You can take a credit or ship it back for a refund. However, if the new body is acceptable, you'll have your grail. Don't give up. If this was my grail piece, I'd ask them to send the replacement and roll the dice.
The only person that I know to win these arguments is..... DarthChrisDK.
Boom! Lights out! :survivor five pages gone!
Well, initially I said that they were passing their quality control issues to the consumer. There was no mention of money. By what I meant was that they wanted you to accept an inferior product by offering you a 45 dollar refund instead of replacement. There is no doubt that this was a QC lapse. This was not done during shipping. After some thought, this might be more of a logistical growth problem for Sideshow. But I did want to show that there are monetary concerns, as well. Hence, the response I made next.

Oh, and when you flex large statues, it is a huge chunk of change. I have over 1000 dollars wrapped up in Doom LSF already. So, yes I could easily invest 1000.

Lol, it went from NRDs to flex now, quick thinking. Still won't make much, if anything, investing $1000 for 6-10 months with this economy.
Learn to read. Thank you

Well the customer loses in several ways.
1. If they really want the piece, they will have to pay more on the secondary market.
2. Most pieces require a NRD and some people use flex pay. I don't know about you, but my money makes money. Thus, there is a loss of potential gains.
3. Because most of the exclusives are done on preorder, the consumer plans to have the funds to buy a product. Thus, the consumer will pass on other collectibles to save for the one they want. Hence, if it comes to them broken they also missed out on another in demand item that they would have gotten if they had known their item would be broken.
4. There is a loss of time. Time is money. I do not want to spend my time talking with Sideshow on the phone or through email about defective products.
5. For me the biggest problem is that we buy these items because we want them. We look forward to getting them. Sometimes for over a year. This is not the instant gratification hobby. Thus, after an extensive and anticipated wait, we end up with nothing. If this doesn't bother you, why are you buying statues?
I am really sorry to everyone else. I will get this thread back on track. From statue forum: a great custom cape.

BLS, take the replacement body. I think they are saying it has the same issues just to get you to take the credit or refund. Make them ship you the replacement. What's the worst thing that can happen? You'd be in the same boat you're in now. You can take a credit or ship it back for a refund. However, if the new body is acceptable, you'll have your grail. Don't give up. If this was my grail piece, I'd ask them to send the replacement and roll the dice.

Nope, he sent me a picture of the exact body he wants to send me. It has the same sort of issue plus a crooked S. Looks like another return. And he said if i take it, its case closed, no more returns or exchanges. Pretty stiff.
Oh and get this.....

They told me the reg body does not fit on the EX base. Why in the world would that be the case? See below.

Thank you for your email. Any returned items are destroyed and not resold. If we do not receive a complete item from you for a return, we will not be able to process any portion of your refund until we receive all of the parts for the given item. We are unable to provide you with a regular Superman body since we have found that when swapped the regular bodies do not fit into the exclusive base properly.