The larger point is missed entirely:
Why continue to send out defective pieces?...not damaged in transit... but pieces that are CLEARLY defective and should be caught in inspection.
Solve that, and there'd be nothing else to those situations, because they wouldn't occur nearly as often. And Josh, this isn't all aimed squarely at you, just following your lead as far points people are missing.
On this statue it seems a relative few problems got out compared to the overall population so far, but with the majority of these not out yet or at least not represented by the small population that is this board (don't for a second think we represent the majority) it's hard for anybody to say what's what.
But overall, not including this Superman, QC is hit or miss, we see it across many releases. Despite my issue and unhappiness, Superman as whole seems to been delivered well for most but SS still has line wide problems, they're discussed every day multiple boards. Stop sending out problem pieces by caring more about what's sent out, and there wouldn't be a need for as many replacements because there wouldn't be as many requests.