Oh I'm very confident they will! She is so drastically different from her TNBA counterpart, it would be good business!
Man, I was so confident the last wave they announced was going to feature BTAS Ivy, Two-Face and Freeze (or Scarecrow)....
But NOOOOO, they had to make Zatanna, Ra's and Gordon first!!!!!
*****! Who cares about Ra's and Zatanna that much to the point of making them instead of Ivy and Two-Face???????????
Seriously! I couldn't believe!
Ok, Gordon... But so early? Would rather have Two-Face first.
Unless you're doing a full repaint I wouldn't recommend taking an x-acto knife to it. It will look pretty bad anyway you cut it, because it won't be a uniform color once the plastic is harassed, or as smooth as it should be. If you can just take a dark skin tone paint (do NOT use ink!) to the mouth area and that should help. Like WGD mentioned, similar to the TNBA batman of the first wave.
Hell, I just plan on just doing a new head sculpt from scratch on this. Im disappointed with DCCs work and I know I can do better anyway haha.