DC Direct doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

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Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Yes, Arpeggios, you're right - and I'd rather have the second option, too.
I guess we're just too anxious to get our favorites villians, but we all agree that have the line last a couple more years and get both iconic and secondary villians is way better.

But I still cry over my favorite, TAS Two-Face, not being made yet. :gah:

P.S.: I'm going crazy because I still ain't got my TAS Batman, Riddler and Penguin.
I took two weeks off - starting next Friday -, so I'll travel to the next city to relax and also get these babies and the Batmobile in person.
I ain't got comic shops in my town and I don't wanna risk getting off-painted figures online.

My collection is boring as ***** without Bats. :gah:
The more photos I see, the more I like him.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

I definitely want to see this line go for a long time.
For sure want BTAS Two Face and Ivy. Also like the idea of them making figs Kenner never did.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

The fact that we are getting characters like Zatanna and Ras, and Roxy Rocket before characters like Btas Ivy and Freeze is actually a really GOOD thing, it means that DCC intends to really go deep with this line. but from a marketing perspective if they just churned out all of the top characters first they would be left with waves and waves of secondary and lesser known characters that wouldn't sell as well.
Therefore they hold off on certain iconic characters and looks so that they can keep the line going for a long time, years hopefully.

Basically would you rather have like 6 or 7 waves of amazing well known characters from btas and then have the line die from poor sales when they try and push out some lesser known characters.
OR would you rather 30+ waves of a large list of well known and lesser known characters ultimately coming together to form a really complete collection of ALL the characters from Btas and Tnba.
While it may take a long time for that to happen, id still rather the second option :) but that may be just me. haha

Having said that though, I am SO excited for a btas mr Freeze. !!!!

Well to add to that Jim Fletcher from DCC has stated from the very beginning that their endgame is to eventually produce figures from Superman, Batman Beyond and JL/JLU as well. However they will only consider venturing out that far if the initial line proves to be a hot seller. I'll personally be supporting this line to the furthest possible extent and I don't think I need to suggest that everyone else do the same.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

If this line goes far.. I really hope the Superman Animated series is coming soon
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Yeah i would definitely love it if they made a JLU / Bruce Timm Huntress, Copperhead, Deadshot, Captain Boomerang, and a deluxe, jumbo size Giganta!
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

In a weird way I almost would be more excited for superman tas figures, since kenner never even had one good figure in that line.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Yes! I would like to see some STAS figs.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

In a weird way I almost would be more excited for superman tas figures, since kenner never even had one good figure in that line.

I liked the basic Superman first release figure, but the colors weren't animated series accurate.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

I actually did buy it but side from the legs, the chest and arms had some very bad sculpting. Not at all show accurate. But I should mention bizarro , brainiac and darkseid were decent and I also had them. Just those superman figures...
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

What we really need are Batman Beyond and Justice League Unlimited figures.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Yeah Hasbro's line of JLU was great.. All it needed was a bigger scale and better articulation.

They were pretty much the oldschool Kenner SW
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Seriously. Seriously, guys!

Batman looks beyond amazing to me. As I said: the more photos I see, the more I love him.
I'm going crazy waiting to get him!

Take a look at these photos:


First shot: repainted eyes.
Second shot: original eyes.

Both look perfect.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

looking GREAT on both photos! :D
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Man, my 2002 Toy Biz Spider-Man's gargoyle is totally going to Batman, and the Mary Jane's balcony is going to Robin.

Will fit perfectly and will create a great city-like diorama/base.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

any idea whether DCC is going to reissue Mr. Freeze and Two Face?
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

do you have a photo of the gargoyle and the balcony? I wanna see what are you referring to :)
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

"Press bottom to pull back the 'web'"
"Press bottom to make the balcony 'colapse'"

Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

awesome idea! it will look great!