Will these be exclusive to any stores? Or widely available?
Man, they look fantastic.
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Depends on your definition of "widely available" DC Collectibles are available at comic and specialty shops everywhere, as well as through online vendors, but they're not available in the toy aisles at Targets and Toys 'R' Uses, and so forth. They should be available at most online toy retailers, though (the same vendors you'd go to for Sideshow and HT stuff), as well as Amazon
What's a fair price for a mint in card Combat Belt Batman?
I don't see why fans of the designs have to pit them against one and other. Were the TNBA designs different? Yeah, but it was a direct continuation of The Animated Series. A lot of great stories came out of it, as well as a lot of great designs.
The joker design was horrible thoughThe show was fine.