Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!
I just hope they decide to scrap this stupid light up box idea and release these
all individually. If I wanted some cheap cardboard crap like Andy's play town in Toy Story I'd make it myself. Even if they do release the villains individually, I can almost guarantee Renee will be exclusive to this lame ass set. $112 individually for the 4 villains + $63 for exclusive Montoya with glorified cereal box
LMAO, agreeded. Looks exactly like a "special edition" cereal box!!! And Andy's cardboard jail!!!! LMAAAAO
Boxsets are such hideous ideas. Forcing customers to get what they don't want in order to earn more. What a disrespect.
If they want to make a figure exclusive, why don't make it individually exclusive to a store? Then, people who want that can go to such store and buy it.
Lucky for me and most people, those 4 villains are a must, so we will get this set regardless. But what if it was the opposite? 4 lesser known B listers and a must-have A lister like Alfred?
And I've already seen people complaining they just want 2 of those figs.... they must be even angrier than us.
Plus, I don't see the value in that box at all whatsoever. As much as it lights up, I just don't see any value.
Also, that's not even the classic place those 4 villains are locked up. Freeze is in Stonegate, Ivy and Croc in Arkham, and Bane... where does Bane go? Stonegate? Anywhere but GCPD.
I do hope they release at least the villains separately. Because, seriously, boxsets are a direspect.
Ps.: I thought you were dead!

I'll DM you when I get to my laptop again.