Super Freak
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!
I like how Ra's calls Batman "detective"
I like how Ra's calls Batman "detective"
I've just never really been a fan of Ra's.
That's Justice League Joker I think.
Looks way better than TNBA.
I swear, as hammy as it seemed, the whole Tim Drake/Joker plot of BB:ROTJ was appropriately crazy as hell (loved Hamill's performance) and it made for a clever way to bring back the legacy of Joker as an entity force than as a literal character revival. Made for a cool yet simple design too, not to mention we actually got a Joker that could properly fight.That would be a great Two Pack or exclusive set. BB ROTJ Joker with Time Drake jokerized!
I actually loved the episode with the Creeper!
If they're going through the episodes, I wonder if "Legends Of The Dark Knight" will get some kind of treatment. It would be cool the get those different versions of Batman, Robin, Joker, the Mutant leader, etc. The possibilities are really endless. "Fake" Harley from "Joker's Millions" (along with Dini Harley and more).
I like Alex's work but think that piece is a color & compositional disaster.
His recent Batman/Green Hornet work is spectacular! You should check that out.
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So the new DC Collectible figures are available for pre order on BBTS, but they don't have Harley for some reason? The other figures come out next February, so that means series 3 of BTAS probably comes out next February as well.