Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!
Another great review, Sallah! So, do you think the joints should be okay after a soak in hot water or a hair dryer? Also, how long, and at what temperature is it typically okay to heat these figures for? These are my first 1/12th scale figures in years, so, I'm not exactly schooled on what's customary for these things, and I want to make sure that it's hot enough to loosen everything up, but, at the same time, I don't want to damage them at all.
I very much agreed with your sentiment about holiday themed figures. I'd love a Christmas with The Joker figure or box set with the Christmas sweater, Betty Blooper doll, an alternate "Laughy" the elf hand (maybe a couple with different expressions), Batman's "gift," and maybe an alternate head with either the Santa hat or the puppet mask. I say "box set," though, because I think it's be awesome if they included non-articulated, "gift wrapped" Gleeson, Gordon, and Bullock figures/statuettes. Hell, as the line got going, you could maybe stand to do some of those seasonal episodes every year. A Santa Bullock and Elf Montoya two-pack from TNBA would be a good one.