The Clown Prince of Crime
Super Freak
What?s dumbfounding to me is that this same reaction didn?t happen with Leto Joker.
Man no one took him seriously as Joker lol

What?s dumbfounding to me is that this same reaction didn?t happen with Leto Joker.
Man no one took him seriously as Joker lol
I think all this over-the-top concern is now creating an atmosphere for potential issues. One should always be vigilant about their surroundings. That does not mean being paranoid. Here I thought I was going to enjoy a perhaps good to not-so-good Joker movie. Now, I have to deal with hyper-sensitive Americans.
Self-fulfilling prophesy...
Um, the reality is, if the media would stop reporting things like this and giving these ********s any attention by reading their manifestos and plastering their pictures and names all over, chances are situations like this wouldn’t even happen. People starved for attention desperately seek it, and the media gives them exactly what they want. Don’t report it, then the chances of it go down expedntially.
Take for instance. When you watch a baseball game on tv and a fan goes and runs on the field. They won’t show it! I’ve heard announcers say that they condone that type of behavior so they refuse to televise it. But if somebody starts shooting everybody, the media shows pictures of the person, their name, age, etc and even read their manifestos! And they do it for days on end!
Sad thing is if anybody goes to the movies and some ******** comes around to shoot em, people have no way of defending themselves! And you can thank the media for that! So in fact they’re not doin you any favors of telling you not to go to see the joker. They are just kicking hornets nests.
Media is a joke, as per my reply from earlier. They are more like the joker than anybody because they love chaos hahaTo which the media would say they shouldn't be blamed for the actions of an unhinged white male incel - to which we would say - 'then neither should the movie. See?'
It's Heath Ledger's fault. This cult rose up around his performance such that never existed before
Ledger really started something. Since his performance the character has been assigned an 'importance' that wasn't there before
Clearly white supremacists, anarchists and all kinds of crazies have adopted the Joker as a symbol of Anarchy. Just like they stole the 'OK' sign. It's crazy, but then so is the Joker. It actually makes sense, white face and all.
This movie will be a very dangerous one to see in certain states.
Um, the reality is, if the media would stop reporting things like this and giving these ********s any attention by reading their manifestos and plastering their pictures and names all over, chances are situations like this wouldn?t even happen. People starved for attention desperately seek it, and the media gives them exactly what they want. Don?t report it, then the chances of it go down expedntially.
Take for instance. When you watch a baseball game on tv and a fan goes and runs on the field. They won?t show it! I?ve heard announcers say that they condone that type of behavior so they refuse to televise it. But if somebody starts shooting everybody, the media shows pictures of the person, their name, age, etc and even read their manifestos! And they do it for days on end!
Sad thing is if anybody goes to the movies and some ******** comes around to shoot em, people have no way of defending themselves! And you can thank the media for that! So in fact they?re not doin you any favors of telling you not to go to see the joker. They are just kicking hornets nests.
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Um, the reality is, if the media would stop reporting things like this and giving these ********s any attention by reading their manifestos and plastering their pictures and names all over, chances are situations like this wouldn?t even happen. People starved for attention desperately seek it, and the media gives them exactly what they want. Don?t report it, then the chances of it go down expedntially.
Anyone else absolutely dumbfounded by this hysteria surrounding this movie; as in, "It's going to cause shootings, and killings, and copycat killers, won't someone PLEASE think of the children!!"
I can't remember a movie ever being freaked out about this.....ever. Not before its release. Calling in the national guard at screenings cause a guy in make up is a psycho and probably kills some people on screen??
What the hell is this country coming to??
TDKR has an 87%
TDKR >>> BB and Joker