DC RELAUNCHING entire Universe in September

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Even if Joker himself wasn't inclined to rape her I'm pretty sure one or two of his thugs would be willing.
These are older and have been refined by no one is sure whether or not those Tron inspired elements are still there. Flash I know is different, the boots are still there but his costume has a ton of large lines and stitches where lightning will actually flow out of him.

That's the weird thing with the Flash design. It's not just random crackling speed lines around him. There are patterned lines running his costume. I.E. starting from the top of this eyes there are two similar patterns going to the top. Same thing with the bottom of his eyes. Also if you look at the flash emblem, you'll see 4 lines coming out of it.
Original photo.

I took out the crackling lines to further emphasize the patterned lines.

Yeah those lines are intentional.

Francis Manapul confirmed Barry Allen is the Flash, with no word on the rest of Flash family, but that to expect Wally West at some point. A new villain was created for first arc, but Grodd will be along shortly. The costume will stil be kept in the ring, but will form around him in a different fashion. Flash’s costume is generated in pieces and fits together along the seams of the Jim Lee design, with lightning comes out of the seams.


The seams of the costume will "light up" and emit lightning as he runs.

C'mon man! Really?! The costume compared to others has been left relatively intact but the way the lighting is dispersed is what bothers you? I'm all for constructive criticism but I'm really starting to think that some of you are in here nitpicking because you don't have anything better to do.
C'mon man! Really?! The costume compared to others has been left relatively intact but the way the lighting is dispersed is what bothers you? I'm all for constructive criticism but I'm really starting to think that some of you are in here nitpicking because you don't have anything better to do.

A costume that comes on in sections, piece by piece with lightning and has lightning bolts zipping all around it? You're digging that? Really? I mean, really? :cuckoo:

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kF7cuJ3V5HY&feature=player_embedded"]YouTube - ‪Lion Voltron Forming‬‏[/ame]
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A costume that comes on in sections, piece by piece with lightning and has lightning bolts zipping all around it? You're digging that? Really? I mean, really? :cuckoo:

YouTube - ‪Lion Voltron Forming‬‏

Yeah because a costume that inflates from a ring is so grounded in reality to begin with? and lightning has never been seen on the Flash or any of the other speedsters right? :dunno





And I do like the "new" Flash costume if you can even call it "new". The Teen Titans, those are new costumes. I would label the Flash's new costume "tweeked" at best.
The Flash's suit forming from the ring reminds me of the bleeding edge armor Tony Stark now uses. Maybe thats why I like it.
I dig the new Flash costume, but I've never been a fan of the Flash.

I guess DC is doing some "DC Roadshow" thing where LCS owners are able to get face time with some DC bigwigs. Here's a blog entry from a store owner who attended the Baltimore event: https://www.bleedingcool.com/2011/0...oadshow-hits-baltimore-collectors-cornered-2/

I think there is one in Chicago tomorrow that my LCS guy will be attending.
They just need to rename the DCU, "Jim Lee's Ultra Manga Force GO!" and get it over with. What the ____ ever happened to superheroes putting on their tights one leg at a time? :huh
I'm not completely sold on the new costume changes but I wouldn't mind this as a print.


It is apparently going to be a tumbler at SDCC as an exclusive.

I'm not completely sold on the new costume changes but I wouldn't mind this as a print.

Neither am I, but if we're being completely honest with ourselves, the underwear over the pants look probably should have gone away a long time ago.
Frankly, in that 71-year history, the book had never seen a writer like Moore. So your point is mute. We've already discussed that Joker wouldn't have raped her for sexual reasons, but to exploit and further emotionally cripple Gordon. What would put a father over the edge more? Nudie pics of his daughter? Or seeing pics of her raped? Read the book.

Stop. You're killing me. :lol

I love how since I joined this thread, I've given a number of historical reasons to prove it never happened and all you can come back with is "It's all about Moore and learning to read what he doesn't write that makes it so powerful".

Spluh? :cuckoo:

I'm really glad for your sake that Stephen King never wrote Batman. That'd be a hell of a conversation:

"What's Batman doing in Maine?"

"Huh?! What the hell are you talking about. He's in Gotham City. In the middle of the story, he's trapped in Crime Alley!"

"That's what you think. If you knew anything about Stephen King, you'd know that he sets all his stories in Maine. So, obviously, Batman's in Maine."

"You're 'Cuckoo for Cocoa-Puffs', dude."

Stop. You're killing me. :lol

I love how since I joined this thread, I've given a number of historical reasons to prove it never happened and all you can come back with is "It's all about Moore and learning to read what he doesn't write that makes it so powerful".

Spluh? :cuckoo:

I'm really glad for your sake that Stephen King never wrote Batman. That'd be a hell of a conversation:

"What's Batman doing in Maine?"

"Huh?! What the hell are you talking about. He's in Gotham City. In the middle of the story, he's trapped in Crime Alley!"

"That's what you think. If you knew anything about Stephen King, you'd know that he sets all his stories in Maine. So, obviously, Batman's in Maine."

"You're 'Cuckoo for Cocoa-Puffs', dude."


[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-Sgvq98mjc"]YouTube - ‪Ferris Bueller s Day Off After Credits Scene‬‏[/ame]
Will DC Direct get relaunched as well since they are making fewer products every single month?