DCC - Batman: Arkham Figure Series (Origins, Asylum, City, Knight)

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Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Lets not forget guys that we had a 3 figure wave just before Christmas last years also. To be honest I'm happy to get another two characters (this year hopefully). I'm actually not sure about the Batman as he isn't much of a variant to the wave 3 one. I know he has more articulation but other than that its very just another AC one. They could just add some clay paint apps and give him a sword and I think we would all be very happy.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I'm waiting to see the Comic Con stuff before I create solid opinions, but at the moment I think I'm a bit disappointed :/
Nightwing looks great, hopefully that's just a bad picture of thalia, and the sculpt will be a bit better :/ But I don't understand why they'd make a batman that sticks out so much, I liked that even though all previous ones were different - they still had a sense of uniform.
This Batman looks really different? from what I can see anyway :/ If the figure were from another toy line I'd say it looks incredible - because it does! ... :/ it just doesn't seem to fit in my eyes, if this is the whole wave - then I think I'm a bit disappointed.
let's see what else comic con offers us,
Batman sticks out compared to previous Batmen, but if he was the only Batman in your collection, alongside the other figures, he'd fit right in. I think those who will buy the new one are people who don't own the others or will probably sell the others once they get the new one. I've always wanted him to be more articulated so I'm pretty happy. You can always keep your old version. :)
Lets not forget guys that we had a 3 figure wave just before Christmas last years also. To be honest I'm happy to get another two characters (this year hopefully). I'm actually not sure about the Batman as he isn't much of a variant to the wave 3 one. I know he has more articulation but other than that its very just another AC one. They could just add some clay paint apps and give him a sword and I think we would all be very happy.
Except me, lol. I like him being the same normal colours as wave 3 Batman, because the new super articulated version can now be my definitive Batman. I was never really completely happy with the previous ones.

You raise a good point of the wave of three being out before Christmas last year. Could it be that we'll get this wave of 3 before Christmas again, then a bigger wave 4 in, say, February? How much warning of last year's first wave before they were released? I know Harley was revealed ages before, but I seem to remember the full wave was revealed quite close to Christmas - so like now.

It'd also mean they could get more waves, by saving Strange and Two Face for two further waves, with thugs/Wonder City robots/ninja/whatever else included.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Gotta say I'm disapointed. ANOTHER normal Batman? More articulation sure, but still, nothing groundbreaking.

And Nightwing looks crappy. Only better paint than Mattel, thats about it. His headsculpt sucks here too which was the biggest problem of Mattel's.

Talia looks even worse. Did they even look at her face from the game?

These better not be it for NYCC. Otherwise the line might as well be dead :lol
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Sorry Buttmunch, I really like the Nightwing. I think though that these aren't the finalized pictures as we have seen figures before look OK but then really amazing in hand. We have also seen some bad ones but overall I think they will look good. Talia isnt horrible but she inst top notch either.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I expect we'll see these 'in person' at NYCC, so we'll be able to get a better idea of how good they are. This certainly won't be it.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Rumors on Fwoosh is that these are actualy 3 3/4" figures and not the normal 6-7" line. That actually makes more sense to me.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Say whaaa? Why would they do that?

Also, weren't they said to be Arkham City Wave 4 figures?
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

They're really trying to push that new 3 3/4" figure line. Notice the large display of those and no AC at SDCC? Now we get AC figures, but maybe smaller. :slap
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures


I think the thing that will irk me most if that's the case is the fact that you'd have been right all this time. The line IS ending, lol.

But that'd be a stupid decision so it better not happen. We'll find out tomorrow I expect.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

If that's it for Wave 4 ... disappointing. There's no need for another standard Batman. Battle Damaged. Clay covered with a sword. Dark Knight Returns. Bruce Wayne. Even a repaint with a different costume. Whatever. Just not another re-hash.

Nightwing is a fine choice. Face sculpt is a little weird, but not terrible. He'd be a definite buy.

Talia's an alright choice, if done well. That doesn't look much like the chick in the game, though. The chick in the game looked like Sophie Marceau with blonder hair. And, I thought she was wearing black, not purple.

Another three figure wave? The absence of Hugo Strange is a crime. Two Face, Red Robin, Deadshot, Revenge Harley, Gordon would all be a better choice than Talia.

If that's a 3.75 inch wave -- whatever. I'm not in for 3.75. Doesn't make sense that they'd start a 3.75" wave without a Joker, Robin or Harley, though. Why skip to Nightwing and Talia on the first wave in that scale?

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Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Can't believe they are already releasing a better v2 batman when the ones from series 3 are just hitting the stores?!

That's gotta be the worse marketing strategy ever :lol

I didn't buy any of the new ones yet, so I might wait it out. But from that pic, the body looks a bit off and too slim IMO. The ones from series 3 looks more accurate to the game.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Can't believe they are already releasing a better v2 batman when the ones from series 3 are just hitting the stores?!

That's gotta be the worse marketing strategy ever :lol

I didn't buy any of the new ones yet, so I might wait it out. But from that pic, the body looks a bit off and too slim IMO. The ones from series 3 looks more accurate to the game.

Now we know why they waited to make the announcement. Didn't want to undercut Series 3 Batman with Series 4 Batman.

Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

But the series 3 batmans are just starting to hit the stores and comic book shops. That's one way of screwing up your partners man :lol
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures


Batman: Arkham City Series 4 action figure set. (from DC Comics blog page)

I am a little disappointed. :( Who sculpted these figures?
Nightwing looks decent in this photo.
Talia face looks, awkward.
Another Batman, with a ultra-posable articulation variant? :/

Hands looks better proportioned. Also, is the belt newly sculpted with more details?
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I think it's just a more detailed paint scheme, sculpt wise the belt looks the same.

I was comparing Nightwing between DC Collectibles and Mattel.

First look while it is a definite improvement over Mattel face sculpt wise, I wasn't extremely excited about it.

BUT .. on closer comparison with the actual Arkham City design.

It looks like a pretty good representation! Not perfect, but I think I'm alright with it after all.

What do you guys think?
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I think it looks pretty damn accurate myself. I also think the lighting in that picture isn't the best, as it seems to be making the noses on the figures seem fatter than they are.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Yikes I like the square enix figures still mulling over to by Arkham asylum ones or just wait and pick up Arkham City figures
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Batman's head looks so tiny. Nightwing is passable. Talia's neck is far too long - I can tolerate the head sculpt, but not the giraffe neck.

So, 4" scale figure, huh? I remember hearing that Matty was going to try their hand at those again after the failure of their previous 4" DC line. I think in this economy companies are realizing that smaller = cheaper, more expansive, and more collectible.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I don't know why some people think these are 4" scale :dunno
They look like the regular 7" line to me, and it does state on the DC Comics page that they're Arkham City Wave 4 figures.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Yeah, these have to be 7" scale. I like the Batman, he looks good, but an attire change wouldn't have broke the bank, would it? Battle Damage, clay, one of the skins from the DLC?

Nightwing looks like a WWE Randy Orton figure ( Sculpt wise). :lecture