DCC - Batman: Arkham Figure Series (Origins, Asylum, City, Knight)

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Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

^ You may be right, as I said I can't remember really - my memory's terrible!! Now then, what was I just talking about...? Oh yeah, Grundy :lol
I really hope we see him at NYCC, although I'd take a Clayface before Grundy anyday. The regular wave reveals are what's most exciting to me at the moment though :D
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I'm very excited about NYCC!! I think releases I'm MOST hoping for soon would be, Hugo Strange, Talia, Two Face, and more thugs!!
Then for deluxes - clayface, grundy (the obvious) but I would REALLY like to see the twins, (or at lease just mister hammer) as he'd go so well with the thugs/joker/harley quinn!
Sounds like what most of us here are hoping to see too. Definitely hoping for Hugo Strange in the next wave myself, he's probably my most wanted right now. I'd love to see more thugs released in the upcoming waves too, really hope the Joker thugs weren't one offs. Penguin thugs inparticular would look awesome, especially the armoured, mine-carrying or night-vision goggle thugs.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Its only been just under a year since we got new stuff shown, whats 4 more days? :lol

And yet another piece of evidence that plays into my chicken littling of the line. It shouldn't take nearly a year to get new items shown. NYCC we saw Penguin from wave 3 and Titan Joker. A few months later at Toy Fair we got the rest of wave 3. It shouldn't take that long for a line to get a new wave. We never waited that long for a Blackest Night wave. While we are clearly getting more items, its not at a very fast pace and that should be of concern. Thats all I'm saying. Healthy lines don't tend to have a final revealed wave out before we even see the next one.

The gap may not be because of a delay in Wave 4 as much as accelerated announcements for 2 and 3, and Deluxes. Might've been better spaced if they had waited a little longer.

They might've just gotten ahead of themselves on annoucements and had to catch up.

Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Sounds like what most of us here are hoping to see too. Definitely hoping for Hugo Strange in the next wave myself, he's probably my most wanted right now. I'd love to see more thugs released in the upcoming waves too, really hope the Joker thugs weren't one offs. Penguin thugs inparticular would look awesome, especially the armoured, mine-carrying or night-vision goggle thugs.

The only thing about the thugs that disappointed me is that where just re-paints, I REALLY wish they were different sculpts/outfits, the thugs have so many cool designs, would have been great to see 2 or 3 different kinds, I mean they can start going topless, different types of masks, different make up, different colours, body warmers, + different weapons!
Really hope they make more! (may not be the feeling of the majority but I personally wouldn't mind at all if they just made more joker/harley dlc thugs, as I'm such a huge joker fan)

I really need to make a new display, I still don't know how to upload these photos I've taken :L :/ I've got as far as them being saved on my desktop...?! :/

Hugo is 100% a NEEDED release,
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

^ For your photos, you'll need to create an account with a site such as Photobucket. Once you've created your account, you can upload your pictures there. Then you use the picture codes from that site to copy and paste into your messages here :)
Looking forward to seeing the pics of your display!
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

^ For your photos, you'll need to create an account with a site such as Photobucket. Once you've created your account, you can upload your pictures there. Then you use the picture codes from that site to copy and paste into your messages here :)
Looking forward to seeing the pics of your display!

Thanks for that! ... I'll look into creating an account! :wink1:

(I'm very new to forum usage! :/)

NYCC is so close now!!
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

^ No worries, glad to help :)

Yep, NYCC is very close indeed! Just a matter of days now. As much as I don't want to get my hopes up too high incase not that much is revealed, I'm afraid to admit they're up anyway! Can't believe how excited/impatient I'm feeling about these reveals :lol
As well as the usual and obvious expectations, I'm very much hoping for a few pleasant suprises too that will make me have a geekasm!
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

^ No worries, glad to help :)

Yep, NYCC is very close indeed! Just a matter of days now. As much as I don't want to get my hopes up too high incase not that much is revealed, I'm afraid to admit they're up anyway! Can't believe how excited/impatient I'm feeling about these reveals :lol
As well as the usual and obvious expectations, I'm very much hoping for a few pleasant suprises too that will make me have a geekasm!

Okay... (Sorry about this) :/ I now have a photo bucket account, I've uploaded pictures to it, ... now....?? :/

I tried to paste the url into the attachments part of creating a post, but the uploading failed as the picture is too large... :( I'm so confused :(
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Open the picture from your desktop, resize it in whatever program to, say, 40% of its size, upload it to PhotoBucket or majhost.com, then copy the image URL (it'll end in .jpg, you can usually right click to view image directly and copy the URL there), then post the link here, inbetween
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures


Okay, (assuming this link works?) here is a picture of my entire display, I have taken some closer ones too, (showing each section of the display) but erm, yeah! :/ it's not much, but it adds a little bit of scenery for them! :)
Killer Croc is actually limping.. he is kind of balanced as one of his legs isn't actually attached... (this is why I mentioned him needing replacing) :'(

I have no idea if this is related to the arms falling off thing, but on mine it was a leg?! :/ I came into the room, he was laying on the shelf, (so either the impact of falling broke his leg, or his leg broke so he fell over, not sure)
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

That's pretty cool. Makes me want to build a display, though I'm not sure where I'd put it or what it would be.

OR I could make lots of little displays for individual figures, like Freeze's Lab or Joker's Office or Riddlers control room. But I lack the time or the creativity, lol. Surely there are dioramas from other figure lines which could fit in with this line?
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I tried resizing them, and I think I kind of failed :L haha,
but here is a link (I think) to the album, you should be able to view the pictures there

But yeah, I would love to be able to give some personal displays to characters... especially Riddler (as he's not normally seen) and croc, (why would he be out of the sewer) and then joker - because I just love him so much... !
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Awesome! It looks great :D shows off your figures nicely.

I wish I had the space to make more myself. I'd love to do an Arkham Asylum diorama for Titan Joker, or a section of the Steel Mill/industrial district from Arkham City. I'm sure that would look awesome actually with all the different details. But, no room at all for any more unfortunately.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

That's a great display. :clap
The whole blackgate scene looks a little familiar though. :lol
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Actually I seem to think it was waaaaay back when wave 2 were first shown, and Penguin was also first shown. I could be wrong. Either way it was a while back now, so I'm fully expecting to see him at NYCC.

Yep all the way back at LAST NYCC.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

^ You may be right, as I said I can't remember really - my memory's terrible!! Now then, what was I just talking about...? Oh yeah, Grundy :lol
I really hope we see him at NYCC, although I'd take a Clayface before Grundy anyday. The regular wave reveals are what's most exciting to me at the moment though :D

Give us Arkham City Figures or give us DEATH. but in all seriousness I really hope they showcase a Grundy or Clayface figure at NYCC, I really want to add those two to my collection. Also love your work by the way:wave
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

The chaps Im hoping to see for the next wave are:

Two-Face, Hugo Strange, Nightwing, Deadshot, (the inevitable Batman variant)
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I seriously doubt getting that many heavy hitters in one wave unless the next is the last. Strange and Two-face are the two biggest villians left for them to do, they'll want to spread them. Same with Nightwing after they've used up their other big names.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Honestly I dont think we will get a lot more waves... at the max two IMO. The game has been out long time, the fans of the game other than a few are switching to other games, and the figure collectors too are waiting for new DC lines eagerly... so at the max 2 waves and 2 deluxes is my prediction...