DCC - Batman: Arkham Figure Series (Origins, Asylum, City, Knight)

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Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

This gets more confusing. That link also says 'statue', presumably a mistake.

But why do it as a set? Unless the line IS ending. Also, Joker statue thing.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I'm hoping that '4 pack' remark was a mistake, .. :/ or is it 100% confirmed? ... the way it says 'March 2013' next to each individual figure on the card suggests to me they are still separate, it does say 'series 4' ... hmm, if it was a set, would be a bit of random selection of characters, ...
on the other hand, the day they start doing sets - of thugs/officers (could include gordan/sharp/viki vale etc etc) ... will be a great day
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Don't over think the statue thing, it's just a typo. To be honest, though, it doesn't seem like a terrible idea to wrap up the series with a couple of box sets. Two-Face or Strange in this one, and another set could have a few others in there. Deadshot, Blackmask; maybe another Batman variant. Give people a few deluxe figures, like Grundy, Clayface, and the Abromovici twins, then give people a few con exclusives like Bruce Wayne and Clayface/Sword fight Batman, and say goodbye to the line until Arkham 3.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Yeah, I'm sure the 'four pack' remark was a mistake. I'm sure they meant four figure wave.

I'm disappointed that we haven't seen anything else at all, but at least we've got that mystery figure to look out for at the end of the month. DCC did say a while back that there's more to come in 2013, so I'm not writing this line off at all yet. I'm still fairly confident we'll get all the major characters before the line ends.

There seems to be an awful lot of negativity the past week or so on here about the future of this line. I haven't seen anything myself that indicates the line is over. Until there's official word that it is, I'm happy to just stay confident we'll be seeing more waves.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I wouldn't discount the 4 pack thing. DCD has done several 4 packs with a comic included. They did do a run of AC comics, so a 4 pack with comic isn't unheard of at all.

And the fact they are waiting until Halloween to reveal the last figures means its definately Calendar Man.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

If you look at the pictures in the link I posted, it clearly says series 4. So I can only assume that it is in fact a series.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I'm so confused. What is real? What isn't? How can I know?
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Toynewsi has it listed as a 4-pack. What scale its in isn't listed. If it is Series 4, with one more figure to come, I'll be satisfied. I figured Nightwing would be in this line, he's too popular to not make a figure. Another Bats was a guarantee as well, so that's expected. Talia looks decent, face wise, but good body. And a mystery 4th figure will probably be another villain. All in all, a somewhat lackluster wave, but still adds to the ranks, so that's good.

If what's been shown is a 4" scale line, and there is no more 7" stuff, I'll be pissed beyond reason. :mad:
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I want a bunny masked batman, as my kids were laughing hard when they saw bats with that mask on. Hopefully we get that soon :lol
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Toynewsi has it listed as a 4-pack. What scale its in isn't listed. If it is Series 4, with one more figure to come, I'll be satisfied. I figured Nightwing would be in this line, he's too popular to not make a figure. Another Bats was a guarantee as well, so that's expected. Talia looks decent, face wise, but good body. And a mystery 4th figure will probably be another villain. All in all, a somewhat lackluster wave, but still adds to the ranks, so that's good.

If what's been shown is a 4" scale line, and there is no more 7" stuff, I'll be pissed beyond reason. :mad:

Pretty sure its 7" now.

The fact its a 4 pack seriously points to it being the end of the line though. Blackest Night finished with the 4 pack comic pack. Its looking like this is the end in that regard. Too bad we never got Strange and Two-Face :(
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

It's going to be a pain finding a 4-pack where they all have reasonable paint apps, chances are your always going to find one fuged up figure in the lot.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

4-pack? I highly doubt it.

There's still too much they can do with this line, and I don't believe the figures are getting harder to sell.

And pictures show they are 7" figures. You can tell from the comparisons of the Green Lantern box set they have at the back (those are the 3.75" figures)

Seriously, relax guys.

I'm happy if it's Calendar Man! When's the last time we had a decent Calendar Man figure? And for those of you not into the comics and merely the game, you got to admit they are not leaving anyone behind.

Putting Calender Man into this series is a smart move from DC, much better then leaving him right at the last few lines. No one would even bother about him then.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

4-pack? I highly doubt it.

There's still too much they can do with this line, and I don't believe the figures are getting harder to sell.

And pictures show they are 7" figures. You can tell from the comparisons of the Green Lantern box set they have at the back (those are the 3.75" figures)

Seriously, relax guys.

I'm happy if it's Calendar Man! When's the last time we had a decent Calendar Man figure? And for those of you not into the comics and merely the game, you got to admit they are not leaving anyone behind.

Putting Calender Man into this series is a smart move from DC, much better then leaving him right at the last few lines. No one would even bother about him then.

Doubt all you like. All of the reports are saying its a 4 pack. Not one site has said otherwise. Its going to be one of their typical comic book included 4 packs from the looks of it. And those don't usually happen until a line is dead (ie Blackest Night wrapped up with one). :dunno

I've been telling people the line was dying for a while now and nobody's believed me. The end is near! :(
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Jeez Buttmunch, you're just so majorly desperate to say ' I told you so' aren't you? You're coming across as gloating and almost happy (that you think) the line is over. You've clearly expressed your opinion on that subject many times in here now. It's just getting old and annoying to me.

Just because ONE figure series ended in a four pack, doesn't mean this one will too. Has the Arkham City series followed the same formula as the Blackest Night series so far? NO. So there's no reason to think it will now.
As for the 'four pack'. The sites reporting that are CLEARLY just copying what they saw from the DC Comics live feed , which I believe to be an error. I mean come on, in the same sentance they also described them as statues for heavens sakes... STATUES. They obviously weren't in the loop or concentrating too hard on what they typed.
The cards alongside the figures at NYCC clearly state that it's SERIES four. A SERIES. Not only that but each figure was listed separately on the card aswell. If it was a box set, it would have said 'box set'. But no. It said SERIES.

Look, I'm not saying that I categorically know the line is continuing on here, I'm just pointing out that we DON'T know for certain that its finishing. Any 'evidence' that our positively optimistic friend Buttmunch has given us to show it's ending is just his own personal speculation, and can be refuted. He knows just as much as us, so I personally wouldn't take any stock in what he says. (Especially since he was convinced that series 3 was the final wave) If he does turn out to be right this time? Well, massive coincidence and he can have his orgasm that he was finally 'right' and rub it in all our faces. Won't that be a joyous day to look forward to....?

I think the best thing to do is just wait and see. DCC said more were coming in 2013 aswell as what was shown at NYCC. They said that they were so excited about what was coming they could hardly speak. That sounds to me like more figures are coming.

For right now, I'm happy to just enjoy the reveals we did get and have fun speculating on that fourth figure! Calendar Man would be a very apt reveal indeed, and also the first ever figure of him, so if it does turn out to be Mr Julian Day that would be pretty cool :D
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Jeez Buttmunch, you're just so majorly desperate to say ' I told you so' aren't you? You're coming across as gloating and almost happy (that you think) the line is over. You've clearly expressed your opinion on that subject many times in here now. It's just getting old and annoying to me.

Just because ONE figure series ended in a four pack, doesn't mean this one will too. Has the Arkham City series followed the same formula as the Blackest Night series so far? NO. So there's no reason to think it will now.
As for the 'four pack'. The sites reporting that are CLEARLY just copying what they saw from the DC Comics live feed , which I believe to be an error. I mean come on, in the same sentance they also described them as statues for heavens sakes... STATUES. They obviously weren't in the loop or concentrating too hard on what they typed.
The cards alongside the figures at NYCC clearly state that it's SERIES four. A SERIES. Not only that but each figure was listed separately on the card aswell. If it was a box set, it would have said 'box set'. But no. It said SERIES.

Look, I'm not saying that I categorically know the line is continuing on here, I'm just pointing out that we DON'T know for certain that its finishing. Any 'evidence' that our positively optimistic friend Buttmunch has given us to show it's ending is just his own personal speculation, and can be refuted. He knows just as much as us, so I personally wouldn't take any stock in what he says. (Especially since he was convinced that series 3 was the final wave) If he does turn out to be right this time? Well, massive coincidence and he can have his orgasm that he was finally 'right' and rub it in all our faces. Won't that be a joyous day to look forward to....?

I think the best thing to do is just wait and see. DCC said more were coming in 2013 aswell as what was shown at NYCC. They said that they were so excited about what was coming they could hardly speak. That sounds to me like more figures are coming.

For right now, I'm happy to just enjoy the reveals we did get and have fun speculating on that fourth figure! Calendar Man would be a very apt reveal indeed, and also the first ever figure of him, so if it does turn out to be Mr Julian Day that would be pretty cool :D

Well said SFA. I agree. We get so worked up somedays that we forget why we collect. Its fun to have these figures. If its the last series then cool. We all move on to the next wave of our collecting. If its not then we are all happy.

These figures are great and I actually am really glad to be getting Talia and Nightwing. I'm more confused about another batman that looks similar to the last one. What are they calling him?
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Jeez Buttmunch, you're just so majorly desperate to say ' I told you so' aren't you? You're coming across as gloating and almost happy (that you think) the line is over. You've clearly expressed your opinion on that subject many times in here now. It's just getting old and annoying to me.

Just because ONE figure series ended in a four pack, doesn't mean this one will too. Has the Arkham City series followed the same formula as the Blackest Night series so far? NO. So there's no reason to think it will now.
As for the 'four pack'. The sites reporting that are CLEARLY just copying what they saw from the DC Comics live feed , which I believe to be an error. I mean come on, in the same sentance they also described them as statues for heavens sakes... STATUES. They obviously weren't in the loop or concentrating too hard on what they typed.
The cards alongside the figures at NYCC clearly state that it's SERIES four. A SERIES. Not only that but each figure was listed separately on the card aswell. If it was a box set, it would have said 'box set'. But no. It said SERIES.

Look, I'm not saying that I categorically know the line is continuing on here, I'm just pointing out that we DON'T know for certain that its finishing. Any 'evidence' that our positively optimistic friend Buttmunch has given us to show it's ending is just his own personal speculation, and can be refuted. He knows just as much as us, so I personally wouldn't take any stock in what he says. (Especially since he was convinced that series 3 was the final wave) If he does turn out to be right this time? Well, massive coincidence and he can have his orgasm that he was finally 'right' and rub it in all our faces. Won't that be a joyous day to look forward to....?

I think the best thing to do is just wait and see. DCC said more were coming in 2013 as well as what was shown at NYCC. They said that they were so excited about what was coming they could hardly speak. That sounds to me like more figures are coming.

For right now, I'm happy to just enjoy the reveals we did get and have fun speculating on that fourth figure! Calendar Man would be a very apt reveal indeed, and also the first ever figure of him, so if it does turn out to be Mr Julian Day that would be pretty cool :D

AMEN! It would be inhumane of them to make people wait this long and then not even give them all the principle characters?! - I'm confident we've still got Strange, Two Face, (by default another batman) and at least 1 more deluxe to come! so to make that a full wave we can expect at least 1 or 2, maybe 3 smaller characters,
and all of that is just allowing for a 'wave 5, and 1 deluxe' there could even be more than that after! who knows!

I'm retracting my original comments about wave 4, batman is starting to grow on me, (now I've seen him posed etc) Thalia doesn't look THAT bad in reality, and I didn't have much of a problem with Nightwing anyway, (although I agree with someone's comment that his joints are very 'toy like')

I do really hope though, that this is series, and not a box set, I do believe it is a series, I hope I'm right. A box set would sell for about £50-£60 right? :/

Can't wait for the 4th figure, can't wait for the rest!
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

A member over on The Fwoosh forums is at NYCC and posted what he heard there at the DCC panel.
They said that there ARE more waves coming in 2013 and they also heavily hinted at Grundy coming in 2013 too.