DCC - Batman: Arkham Figure Series (Origins, Asylum, City, Knight)

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Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

BBTS is still saying April
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I've changed my preorder, it's now with ForbiddenPlanet.co.uk who say they'll be in stock on 25th. Hopefully they won't change that this close to release.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Will be a real shame if these do come out late since it's a wave I've been highly anticipating!! Fingers crossed it's just a few retailers getting them later than planned.
It's funny cos at C2E2 DCC specifically mentioned the re-organisation would mean being on time with things! lol
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

There's some in-hand pictures of the coloured versions here.

They look horrid!

Batman's face is terrible, looks overly plastic. I dont like the joints on the figures, makes them look like kids toys.

But then, I prefere the DCD ones that are like posable statues really.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

They look horrid!

Batman's face is terrible, looks overly plastic. I dont like the joints on the figures, makes them look like kids toys.

But then, I prefere the DCD ones that are like posable statues really.

I agree.
I personally think all the Mattel AC figures look cheap and 'toyish'. I don't like any of their likenesses either, I think they all look too cartoony.
I still find it strange that a lot of people prefer the Mattel Catwoman over DCC's version. I have a feeling a few people may change their minds once they see her in-hand though.....
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

It's interesting what sides we all fall on with these figures. Some of us seem to think all Mattel figures are way off and constantly side with DCD's range exclusively, some of us prefer Mattel with the occasional DCD figure, some of us vice-versa, and some purely the Mattel line.

Personally I haven't been impressed by any of Mattel's figures, aside from initial 'oh cool Nightwing' or 'oh cool Two-Face' but that's just because DCD hasn't released them yet.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I agree.
I personally think all the Mattel AC figures look cheap and 'toyish'. I don't like any of their likenesses either, I think they all look too cartoony.
I still find it strange that a lot of people prefer the Mattel Catwoman over DCC's version. I have a feeling a few people may change their minds once they see her in-hand though.....

Thats because the Mattel Catwoman actually looks like the game Catwoman! :lol The DCD version is just fugly. The lips throw it off the most. She has some serious botox injections that went horribly wrong or something. Not to mention her fat nose :monkey4
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

So with the new name change and all, does this mean that the figures that were already released will be even more valuable if kept MOC? How does that go?
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

It's interesting what sides we all fall on with these figures. Some of us seem to think all Mattel figures are way off and constantly side with DCD's range exclusively, some of us prefer Mattel with the occasional DCD figure, some of us vice-versa, and some purely the Mattel line.

Personally I haven't been impressed by any of Mattel's figures, aside from initial 'oh cool Nightwing' or 'oh cool Two-Face' but that's just because DCD hasn't released them yet.

The only Mattel figures I got are the Joker (which I purchased loose) and the Harley.

I quite like the Joker, despite him having a pin head, but I like the figure more as just another pretty cool looking Joker variant on my shelf 'o Jokers, rather than as a representation of the Arkham City version of the Joker, if that makes any sense. In other words, I think he's a pretty cool looking Joker figure, but not particularly a great adaptation of the Arkham City Joker.

Harley to me is probably Mattel's best figure in the line, or if not she's right up there, I'm just not overly taken on the design so it's hard to get too excited by her. As a result, the DCD and Mattel versions are pretty much even for me, DCD is slightly better in one way, Mattel in another, but overall it balances out to being too close to call, for me at least.

The rest of the characters, and for the figures in general as a line, I definitely lean firmly towards DCD thus far, although I wasn't too taken by their Robin, and their Catwoman I personally think looks downright ugly (to the degree that I won't be buying her if the final version looks like the pics we've seen so far). Not a big fan of Mattel's Catwoman either, but if I had to choose between the two, based on what I've seen at this point, I'd go with Mattel.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Series 2 popping up on ebay.

Next Wednesday can't come any sooner.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I agree.
I personally think all the Mattel AC figures look cheap and 'toyish'. I don't like any of their likenesses either, I think they all look too cartoony.

The Mattel Two Face is quite good. The original (black) Batman isn't terrible. I left the Robin and Joker on the shelf. Haven't seen Nightwing or Harley.

Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Good to see these popping up on eBay now. Makes me hopefull that they are coming on Wednesday still and just a few retailers are getting them late....
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Ace, hopefully we'll get some out of package shots. Though we've already had some from ToyFair and such, but it's not the same. :p
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Thanks aron719 for the link! China/Hong Kong get these figures earlier being so near to the manufacturing sites! :)

If you check the eBay link again, check the seller's "other items". You get to see better pictures of individual boxes and even the figures he/she opened. Mad Hatter looks so much smaller, an awful waste of space in the box, give us another accessory other the hat!
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Thanks aron719 for the link! China/Hong Kong get these figures earlier being so near to the manufacturing sites! :)

If you check the eBay link again, check the seller's "other items". You get to see better pictures of individual boxes and even the figures he/she opened. Mad Hatter looks so much smaller, an awful waste of space in the box, give us another accessory other the hat!
Ah, well noticed. I still feel I need these in-hand to judge their quality. Riddler looks nice and scrawny and pathetic, which fits perfectly. Hush looks ace, certainly seems a very underrated figure. I don't yet have an opinion on Mad Hatter, though I feel a sidequest two-pack of him and Hush might've worked better. But the likelihood is that these figures will only increase in value post-release, so it's not too big a worry.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Catwoman looks like Emile from Robocop after he drove into the toxic waste.

Riddler, no glasses, pretty dissapointing but I'll still get him. The rest I don't care about. Looking forward to Ra's and Penguin.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Good to see these popping up on eBay now. Makes me hopefull that they are coming on Wednesday still and just a few retailers are getting them late....

Chinese sellers had the NYCC Joker up MONTHS before NYCC so it doesn't mean the release date hasn't been pushed back yet unfortunately.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

The thing about the Mattel catwomen is that her goggles are sculpted on her face so you can't see her eye's where alot of the likeness is, window of the human soul. The DC Direct version is a lot closer but a few things here and there through it off, and it seems she is casted out of translucent plasic and the light is shining through her nose so it's hard to make out the exact shape, but clearly there's some things off like her eyes are a bit too hight up.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

The DCD version is just fugly

their Catwoman I personally think looks downright ugly

Catwoman looks like Emile from Robocop after he drove into the toxic waste
wow. My point exactly - everyone seems to prefer the Mattel version. I just dont understand or see it myself... I don't think the DCD version is ugly at all and looks way more game accurate than the Mattel version. Mattel's looks like some Manga AC figure whereas the DCD one looks like it's just leapt out from the game to me. She certainly doesn't look 'fugly' or 'toxic waste melted face' to me :lol

Chinese sellers had the NYCC Joker up MONTHS before NYCC so it doesn't mean the release date hasn't been pushed back yet unfortunately.
True - but they only had loose NYCC Jokers. These are being sold packaged which is a lot different to loose production samples.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

The only ones of the mattel I don't have are the robin, joker, nightwing....don't like the nightwing, but I do like the other two...
I kinda wished dc resculpted their batman....as much as I like it, not so accurate, face-wise, like cat woman, really big face for the head size...if it weren't for the crappy goggles, the mattel could almost top the dc catwoman....

Looking forward to the rest of the dc assortment