DCC - Batman: Arkham Figure Series (Origins, Asylum, City, Knight)

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Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I have recently buy the arkham city wave 3, and i'm very disapointed with the painting on batman... i mean, the Arkham asylum wave 1 batman was amazing, the face/body paints are amazing... and the new one... is lame. and they don't longer come with stands (well, all the arkham city ones). Why they drop they quality?
anyway, also get mr. freeze and he is amazing, so many details! but he is expensive =/
the penguin is great too, but I think the best wave was the arkham assylum wave 1

Must be a bad figure.... mines superb and holds up absolutly fantastically.

Infact, ive mixed and matched my figures. My Battle Damage AA figure has the batarang, the standard AA figure has the Explosive gel, the detective mode batman has nothing, the regular Batman has the Electro gun and the infect batman has the cryptographer. But the original AC batman is brilliant apart from tiny-fist!

The stands im not fussed about either. I mean, the figures stand on their own really well, was a nice extra though but otherwise, no figures truly need them in any of the waves from AC
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Must be a bad figure.... mines superb and holds up absolutly fantastically.

Infact, ive mixed and matched my figures. My Battle Damage AA figure has the batarang, the standard AA figure has the Explosive gel, the detective mode batman has nothing, the regular Batman has the Electro gun and the infect batman has the cryptographer. But the original AC batman is brilliant apart from tiny-fist!

The stands im not fussed about either. I mean, the figures stand on their own really well, was a nice extra though but otherwise, no figures truly need them in any of the waves from AC

nop, is not a bad figure, I have see pictures and all look the same. the AA batman has paint apps on his face, the skin and lips are painted, on the AC batman there nothing, just the plastic skin color. anyway, I let him on the box, and keep displaying a custom AA batman that I have repainted (all black)
yes the stands are not needed, but were a nice extra. And on my country we have tremors from time to time... so a stand is sometimes needed :p
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I don't know if you can see on this pictures



the AA batman has a nicer paint app on the body and face.
the body has shades, and little silver details on the suit (screws? XD)
anyway, still the AC batman is nice, I just think the AA has better paint job... but is blue XD
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Yeah theres rivets on the AA batman, but the rivets should be black in the game not silver, and the blue should be hardly tellable from black, like a deep navy. Always p*ssed me off lol!


And the face always bothered me because it looks like Bruce has Jaundace, far too yellow and the lips look like a dying man. The skin colour looks better, and the rivets in AC are almost unnoticeable/blend with the suit.

Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

yes, I see your point, but I still think that they could do some more work on the batman AC figure, as the y did on the AA one, maybe changing the colours, to be more accurate. It looks great, but I think he could be better. this is the custom I have made on him...


Maybe a small repaint on the ac one will make him look amazing. But with the new one on teaser, that looks amazing, i'm not going to do it jajaja
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Nice pic of the proto for the new Batman figure just shown on DC's page:
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

It looks amazing!!! sure it's gona be a "deluxe" figure, cause it have a hole on the foot for a stand
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

It looks amazing!!! sure it's gona be a "deluxe" figure, cause it have a hole on the foot for a stand
Eh? Most/all figures have that. Also he's part of the next wave.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

But are you sure that he's a regular figure?
I haven't noticed that almost all have holes... Catwoman don't have one and dont have a stand... She was the 1st that I open... I think i just asume that the others don't have one. Duh...
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Seriously. We're talking about peg holes in the foot? Most figures have a hole in their foot for a stand, whether they are in a seires that even has stands are not. I remember as I kid I thought it meant there would be playsets :lol

Its just a basic figure, in the basic line, in the next basic wave, with other basic figures. Just with deluxe articulation.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

If thats how the next waves are actually going to be, im going to stop collecting. They look like stupid toys, all these joints and everything. Theyre just copies of Mattels figures.

Theyve made the previous what, 5 waves and 2 deluxe waves like statues, limited articulation but a truly nice and clean look.



Look at all them bloody lines and joints. Looks horible. That looks like it should be played with by a 7 year old. It just looks like its lost the cleanliness. The chest looks silly to me with the 'joint' and all that. I hope they reconsider the new articulation. Batman looks massively thinner too. They just look like toys and will look stupid next to the other waves statue-like appearance.


And Talia/Nightwing look so ugly its unreal!
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

To be honest, the only joint that stands out is across the body. And please don't compare them to Mattel, lol. Mattel's DO look like toys, DCD's don't, even with the new articulation. If added articulation is something that means you're gonna NEVER EVER BUY THESE FIGURES AGAIN then you need to reprioritise. I prefer the slimmer look with more articulation. Plus why even complain when there's a good enough Batman in the current wave anyway? Just buy that one, durrrr.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

To be honest, the only joint that stands out is across the body. And please don't compare them to Mattel, lol. Mattel's DO look like toys, DCD's don't, even with the new articulation. If added articulation is something that means you're gonna NEVER EVER BUY THESE FIGURES AGAIN then you need to reprioritise. I prefer the slimmer look with more articulation. Plus why even complain when there's a good enough Batman in the current wave anyway? Just buy that one, durrrr.

I dont know. Maybe because they will be making all the figures that way :slap

And why prioratise? I wanted statue-esque models not toys... So I bought the DCD figures. if they truly are going to start changing things halfway through a run, then ill simply stop buying. It doesnt bother me, it doesnt bother them. Ill just buy a custom Alonso model, simple as. I only collect AA/AC figures, nothing else apart from Alonso models.

So if I want to complain, I will do. And Mattels look like toys, and so does that god awful Batman. Nightwing and Talia too are god awful too.

And the top of the leg joint, the fact that its much thinner, and the body sticks out. so its quite a large proportion of the figure is it not? Yes, it is. And it has the exact same lines, bar different way of articulating the chest, as the Mattel ones. Hence, toy like. And look at the knees. The knee has a gap to the leg, where as in current style has the knee blending into the leg. Thus, less toy like.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I really don't think added articulation makes it toy like. The overall quality of the figure will be the same. All the figures have had varying degrees of articulation as it is - for the latest ones to have more articulation doesn't mean they won't fit in. And Nightwing and Talia don't seem to have all the new articulation. I wouldn't worry about it. I doubt they'll fit 'ugly' chest articulation onto figures like Two-Face or Strange, and those are really the only two 'essential' figures left. Black Mask wouldn't have it, neither would Calendar Man. I think Deadshot is the only one who might have it. It just makes sense to bring out a Batman capable of more dynamic poses - his statue-ness has always bothered me, even though I also tend to prefer good looking statues than overly articulated toy-like figures. I think the sculpts of these figures, aside from Talia, prevent them from truly feeling like toys. Mattel's figures feel like toys mainly due to the awful lazy sculpts, and not really because of the articulation (which blends in far worse than DCD's articulation does). The picture posted earlier shows that the articulation is pretty natural and doesn't stick out. Particularly, the shoulder articulation visible on the Mattel figure isn't visible here.


Also the holes in the knees are only visible when the knee is bent, and as you want a statue then chances are you won't bend the knee and won't see the hole. The body doesn't really stick out any more than the chest on the original sticks out. Admittedly they could've put the chest joint nearer the line on the armour to hide it a bit, but still. I really think, for the most part, the articulation is pretty well hidden. This is added articulation done right, so I don't understand your outrage. If Two Face or Strange had a joint across the chest breaking up their outfits I'd be moderately annoyed, but I really doubt they'll have 'action articulation' on characters who don't do much fighting and jumping around. Deadshot is the only one it'd really fit with. I just think you're being outraged about something that hasn't happened yet, and probably won't anyway.
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Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Nightwing looks Asian!!

no seriously he kinda does.... he reminds me of the Asian businessman from TDK.


Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

This is why I like HT. All the articulation; none of the visible joints. However, I'm strangely drawn to the wave 4 AC Batman. I just like the idea of a well-sculpted, well-painted, and articulated figure that isn't stylized. He's also the best figure of the new wave, apparently. Nightwing looks okay from the neck down, I guess, but Talia looks like a Mcdonald's Happy Meal toy.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Went to my local GameTraders today and they had quite a few of this line in stock. The Croc looks pretty amazing as does Mr Freeze. Not the cheapest, but they've done a good job with the sculpt and paint job on these.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

The body doesn't really stick out any more than the chest on the original sticks out. Admittedly they could've put the chest joint nearer the line on the armour to hide it a bit, but still.
I agree about the chest joint, it would have looked much nicer if they'd managed to have the joint where the line on the armour under the chest is, but I guess they couldn't really put it there for technical reasons.

That is the only joint on the figure that bothers me, just because it is so glaringly obvious. The rest of the joints all look fine to me and I think they did a great job of adding articulation and keeping it as hidden as possible. I'm not a fan of 'more articulation' myself particularly, but if it's there and it's done nicely then there are no complaints from me.

As for these figures looking toylike, I don't see it myself. Nightwing and Talia look pretty much the same style as the rest of the waves to me and I'm sure they'll fit in nicely with the other figures. The photos from NYCC showed us that the promo pic didn't do them justice at all too.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I dont know. Maybe because they will be making all the figures that way :slap

And why prioratise? I wanted statue-esque models not toys... So I bought the DCD figures. if they truly are going to start changing things halfway through a run, then ill simply stop buying. It doesnt bother me, it doesnt bother them. Ill just buy a custom Alonso model, simple as. I only collect AA/AC figures, nothing else apart from Alonso models.

So if I want to complain, I will do. And Mattels look like toys, and so does that god awful Batman. Nightwing and Talia too are god awful too.

And the top of the leg joint, the fact that its much thinner, and the body sticks out. so its quite a large proportion of the figure is it not? Yes, it is. And it has the exact same lines, bar different way of articulating the chest, as the Mattel ones. Hence, toy like. And look at the knees. The knee has a gap to the leg, where as in current style has the knee blending into the leg. Thus, less toy like.

Don't worry man. If anything, the only constant from DC Direct is that their articulation on figures are never constant. Just look at all the previous series and you'll see they don't have the same articulation.