DCC - Batman: Arkham Figure Series (Origins, Asylum, City, Knight)

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Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Does anyone else find it odd that DCD said they're doing Clayface by the end of the line, and that they're trying to do every character, then when Grundy is specifically brought up, they go all 'wink wink' about it despite being upfront about Clayface. It's almost as if they don't want to spoil Grundy's reveal, almost as if he's being revealed on 31st. THROWING IT OUT THERE. I know it's the fourth figure of the wave being revealed, but there's always a chance they're mixing it up and adding a deluxe into it.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

^ As nice as that would be to think, this info from the same guy over on The Fwoosh who's at NYCC makes it sound unlikely:

On a side note, I did have another conversation about deluxe Grundy and it sounds like they do want to try to include his GIANT BALLS. They do know how intergral they are to his character in the game. While they didn't say it directly, their inclusion might come down to costing the figure out (as crazy as that sounds for $90 figures). It also sounds like he is not announced yet is because the last 3 deluxe figures were Arkham and they want to expand out, like the JL Darkseid being next. Since they did say they are troubleshooting the croc problem, i have pretty good faith that they will make improvements going forward that should be in effect by the time Grundy is ready.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

They've never done a Batmobile in any form, so I doubt they'd make it in this line considering its pointlessness in the games (not even in AC). But if they really do want to get 'everyone' made in this line, I think all of those mentioned are definately series 5 and 6 choices. I just hope we get better Batman variants than "Super articulated" and "blue tinted" or "black eye Bruce" like the ones have been so far :lol

Deadshot or Calendar Man does seem to be the last figure in wave 4. The teaser shot, if real, seems to be Deadshot, but the date suggests Calendar Man.

I think seperating Strange and Two-face in different waves would help spread out the 'big names' more.

Batman Variant
Calendar Man/Deadshot (whichever isn't the wave 4 teaser)
DLC Harley

Batman Variant
Black Mask

Those would seem logical figures now that it seems we're going back to just 4 figure waves. If they do keep up the 5+ figure waves, you could add Penguin, Two-face, and Harley Thugs to the mix, otherwise I think they are in the backseat to actual characters.

You're right about the Batman variants. They've been a little weak. I really like the unmasked Batman. The regular one was necessary ... once. I skipped the wave 2 Batman ... bleh. I'll probably skip wave 4. There are better options. Heavily battle damaged. Clay-covered. Bruce Wayne. If they're going to milk the line, costume variants on Batman and Robin would be cool ... DKR, Red Robin, Blue/Gold.

I think the last Wave 4 figure is Deadshot. Silhouette didn't look fat enough at the waist to be Calendar Man.

Maybe they could find a way to do the Abramovici twins as regular releases, rather than Deluxe. Those are really the only two "thugs" I'm all that interested in -- the only really memorable original villains from AC.

I'd actually rather have a Gordon from AA than AC.

Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

How about a Abramovici Twins deluxe Twin-Pack? for like £60-70..., that would be cool!
Really excited we're getting "everyone" ! ... I'm really hoping for more thugs, be interesting to see what size they make the Deluxe Clayface... think he'd be bigger than Grundy's rumoured 13" ?

Also maybe as the clayface design (although awesome) is very plain... all pretty much one colour with shading, maybe they could add like, bit's of jokers clothes or stuff, as if he's then transforming...? hmmm, or maybe like his hand could be frozen...! and a sword sticking out him etc, ... !

Prices are going to be evil, but I can't wait, ...
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

You're right about the Batman variants. They've been a little weak. I really like the unmasked Batman. The regular one was necessary ... once. I skipped the wave 2 Batman ... bleh. I'll probably skip wave 4. There are better options. Heavily battle damaged. Clay-covered. Bruce Wayne. If they're going to milk the line, costume variants on Batman and Robin would be cool ... DKR, Red Robin, Blue/Gold.

I think the last Wave 4 figure is Deadshot. Silhouette didn't look fat enough at the waist to be Calendar Man.

Maybe they could find a way to do the Abramovici twins as regular releases, rather than Deluxe. Those are really the only two "thugs" I'm all that interested in -- the only really memorable original villains from AC.

I'd actually rather have a Gordon from AA than AC.


:exactly: :goodpost:
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

From J3H of Fwoosh:

Last Ask DCC:

Arkham characters who only appear in bios/artwork? or civilians like Vicki vale? -Not a priority, but not off table. Definately want interactive characters first. Vale is unlikely though.

Harley Quinn's revenge "mourning" outfit?
Fur? Soft good veil?-
No idea, it will be a designers choice. (They didn't seem to know what I was talking about though).

Increased Articulation going standard? -Case by case

Riddler's glasses? Sorry. Design choice. Not coming with later figure.

Deluxe batman with glide cape? Not off table, no plans at all right now and probably not likely...but not off table.

Grundy removable chest cavity? Couldn't talk about Grundy.

Boxset? "the website says what?!? No no no, it's a wave, they probably got confused with the justice league boxset. "

"Tell the fwoosh that these are good questions to ask the 4th week of the month on the site"
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Studying the 4th figure's Silhouette a bit closer, I'm actually like 90% sure it's Deadshot! look at how his legs bulge out in the same places as the holsters do in the game, also his hands look thick enough to accommodate his weapon things, and the smoothness of his head looks right for his mask, and the proportions of his shoulders kind of match the tunic thing he wears! ... I would now be very surprised if it wasn't him. :)
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

2 of my LCS are sold out of Azreal and one has the penguin listed at 24.99 while the other's are listed at 21.99. maybe they will re-issue some of their older figures with increased articulation like this new batman. ? ?
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Studying the 4th figure's Silhouette a bit closer, I'm actually like 90% sure it's Deadshot! look at how his legs bulge out in the same places as the holsters do in the game, also his hands look thick enough to accommodate his weapon things, and the smoothness of his head looks right for his mask, and the proportions of his shoulders kind of match the tunic thing he wears! ... I would now be very surprised if it wasn't him. :)

The shilhouette is definatley Deadshot. The only questions is whether the silhouette is of the actual figure or just a generic/red herring image.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

2 of my LCS are sold out of Azreal and one has the penguin listed at 24.99 while the other's are listed at 21.99. maybe they will re-issue some of their older figures with increased articulation like this new batman. ? ?

Not a chance. That requires new molds and basically they end up new figures. They'd be the same except in maybe paint.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

So how long do we have to wait for to see any more reveals? Could we potentially see a deluxe or something announced before christmas? and maybe get a date on it! ;D would be exciting! Now just waiting for FPI to put up those Pre-Orders!

The shilhouette is definatley Deadshot. The only questions is whether the silhouette is of the actual figure or just a generic/red herring image.

If they wanted to hide it more, they'd have made the silhouette a bit less obvious so, I'd guess it is of the actual Deadshot figure,
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Sorry for the double post, but thought I'd just say... I just picked up Ra's Al Ghul! And I'm excited now! :)
So now the only series 3 figures I don't have are Batman and Azrael,..
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

So how long do we have to wait for to see any more reveals? Could we potentially see a deluxe or something announced before christmas? and maybe get a date on it! ;D would be exciting! Now just waiting for FPI to put up those Pre-Orders!

If they wanted to hide it more, they'd have made the silhouette a bit less obvious so, I'd guess it is of the actual Deadshot figure,

Probably nothing else until Toy Fair in Feb.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Is there anything on the Killer Croc arm problem? My LCS is seriously struggling as the importer cant get none
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

they are revealing the silhouette figure on Oct 30th, on their facebook or something.. so about two more weeks until more news and pics..
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

^ October 31st. I sure am hoping for someone who played a bigger role than Deadshot though. I want a figure of Deadshot, but down the line. I hope they get some of the bigger names out of the way first.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I think it will be deadshot as they have included figures with minor roles in every wave.

1 - Robin
2 - Hush/ Madhatter
3 - Azreal

I'm actually really hoping it is him as then I think we are going to get at least 2 waves next year on top this one.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Its either Deadshot (as the teaser suggests) or its Calendar Man (as the date suggests). I seriously doubt its anyone else.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I'd be happy with either Deadshot or Calendar Man whatever the outcome.

It does seem to good an oppotunity to miss though revealing Calendar Man on Halloween, so unless it's just a massive coincidence, I'm still inclined to believe it's him we'll see.

I remember a good while back the picture below caused a lot of people to think the silhouettes were of the actual figures, and look how that turned out. Infact, aren't these the same silhouettes as the new one shown??
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Yeah I think it is just a placeholder. I mean, if the last figure is Strange, they won't use his silohette because it'd be instantly given away.