First: "Drop-In Drop Out" Co-Op:
We're doing this differently than its ever been done before, to my knowledge, so it's easy to understand why there'd be confusion.
What it usually means is that when your friend isn't playing, the other character is taken over by a dumb AI that gets in your way all the time or you have to babysit or doesn't revive you when he's supposed to.
In DS3 HE'S JUST NOT THERE. It's just like the classic DS you know and love. There's no banter. This has been extremely tricky (and expensive!) to figure out, but we didn't want to mess up a good thing. Cutscenes and gameplay are different depending if you're playing co-op or not.
We did this because a lot of people said "I think I'd love your game, but it's too intense for me, man!" Instead of making the game less intense, we added this. Think of it like going to a horror movie with your friends instead of alone.
Originally Posted by Monkey Pants: View Post
Cover System:
This isn't a cover shooter. There is no "take cover" button or stuff like that. We do, however have some cool new enemies that can shoot at you. And that left Isaac feeling a little awkward to deal with it, so we added a few new additions to the controls. Crouches and rolls, mostly. The game knows if you're crouched behind something and does some elegant little adjustments to make the presentation smooth. That's about it. You probably wouldn't even notice.
The heart of the game is still strategic dismemberment vs. Necromorphic beasties. We just gave some of them some surprises is all.
Universal Ammo
I can't go into too much detail about, since what we have planned for the weapons is something we'll be talking about later. But it's a big change for the future that I think is really cool, and the ammo thing works in concert with it.