Fox is like:
"Wait, can we really get a huge box office without the child rape lawsuits, WIN?"
Singer no more.

Yeah, that's probably how the conversation is going. The traditional X-Men movies are money makers. Just because something else does better (with a sample size of 1), doesn't mean you throw out the other stuff that succeeded.
I'm actually a bit more concerned about the lesson WB is taking from this. So far, with the current DC "film universe," we've seen them doing very little that is original. The tone is right out of the Nolan films. The team strategy is an accelerated version of what Marvel Studios is doing. The focus is squarely on Batman--the no-brainer move. And the action is right out of the most recent Call of Duty game or whatever. They excel at aping others. So, I would bet heavy money that now they're going to attempt a "light and humorous" comic book movie. There are lots of franchises they could pursue with that approach--Lobo, Blue Beetle/Booster, a full JLI movie, Ambush Bug, Captain Carrot, Bat-Mite and Mxyzptlk, Plastic Man, Metal Men, even the Doom Patrol or Shazam. But will it be good, and feel fresh? Or will it be Green Lantern 2.0?. . .