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They haven't quite played it up like that. For Spider-man/Deadpool its basically been Deadpool wanting to be Spideys best friend and making the odd pervy joke at him while spidey pretty much loathes him.

More another bromance than straight up romance.
Has Kamala Khan already interacted with Deadpool? They have a new avengers series together no?

I've never read Miracleman or the Plutonian, I've always wanted to.

Nah, like Scareb said, Khamala's in ANAD Avengers and Deadpool's in Uncanny Avengers.

Miracleman is classic Moore. Marvel acquired the righs and have been reprinting some stuff alongside finishing some Gaiman stories with him returning to write them, but I got so confused with the whole thing that I said "screw it, I'll get them when an Omnibus is released or something".

Plutonian is the star of Irredeemable and he's really interesting, because he's a case of "what if Superman went bad" done right. At a certain point he snaps, and accepting the futility of it all, and being under constant pressure he goes bananas and becomes a mass murdering maniac. The focus was mostly on the "resistance" and towards the end it got a bit...uh, "wacky" (beings from other dimensions creating souls which transcend the boundaries of time and space and yadda, yadda, yadda metaphysical, "philosophical", etc, etc), but it's still probably worth a read.

Oh right :slap it's the one with old Steve and Rogue, Kamala is in that other team with Vision and Miles Morales right? Got them mixed up. I just can't bring myself to read a lot of Marvel lately. As for Deadpool, only his main series.

Would be cool to see them interact, I already got my KamalaXRobbie fix.

Poor Robbie, like all other Ghost Riders, he's cursed with the most dreaded enemies of all: Cancellation and Limbo...
What are your hopes for the next movie?
-Cable&Deadpool shenanigans
-Deadpool amputation/decapitation and him putting his parts back together
-Teleportation harness (with Deadpool accidentally teleporting inside Cable)
-Less Waypool

Marvel has the rights to Taskmaster now (just before Deadpool filmed actually - they took to long and lost their rights to him). He'd be a great villain to introduce on Agents of Shield and move him up to a movie later.
i thought ChocoLat spidey is.

No, that was just one of those "mass hysteria, they're invading our sacred books" type of deals. Miles is straight, he's even had a girlfriend in the Ultimate Version of Kate Bishop. Honestly, Miles is a damn good character. He's not one of my faves or anything, but I've read some trades and he's quite a cool dude. Which is rare, because most young characters nowadays come off as snotty little brats.
The only thing that pissed me off about miles is how when spidey entered the mcu all of a sudden "fans" wanted him to be spiderman so bad and started saying how Peter is just a boring white guy.

Clearly this was an issue of let's all complain about somthing stupid instead of stepping back and knowing your history on the most relatable hero to this very day.

Miles is a great character though, would love to see him somday but Peter Parker is just to great of a character to just throw away.
A few of them pages.............
where sort ..........................................of hard........................... read without........................ white out
i hope Jason Statham is in the sequel:

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I finally was able to go see this last night. I found it to be very entertaining. I thought Reynolds did superbly. I am so glad that he was able to help get this movie done. It was clear that he had passion about it, and that's what movies need; people that have passion to get the film done right. I didn't like all of the jokes, but I still laughed at quite a few jokes in the film. I'm gonna want to see this at least one more time in the theater. I can't wait to find out the details on the sequel. I am very excited to see where things with Deadpool in the X-Men universe. For me, this was a hell of a start to the year of CBM's. Reynolds is Deadpool. Can anyone tell me what a good place to start reading Deadpool would be?
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They'll probably make Deadpool change his sexual orientation entirely by the next film, and Jason Statham would be a great partner for him.

Cast Statham as Midnighter. Then watch Tumblr explode with Deadpool/Midnighter slash fics...Everybody wins! Truth be told, I'd kill for a Midnighter or Authority movie. But especially a Midnighter solo flick with him busting some heads.
I finally was able to go see this last night. I found it to be very entertaining. I thought Reynolds did superbly. I am so glad that he was able to help get this movie done. It was clear that he had passion about it, and that's what movies need; people that have passion to get the film done right. I didn't like all of the jokes, but I still laughed at quite a few jokes in the film. I'm gonna want to see this at least one more time in the theater. I can't wait to find out the details on the sequel. I am very excited to see where things with Deadpool in the X-Men universe. For me, this was a hell of a start to the year of CBM's. Reynolds is Deadpool. Can anyone tell me what a good place to start reading Deadpool would be?

Depends really with what you're going for. If you want lots of back story, it can't hurt to start with Deadpool classics trades which has his first appearance and first ongoing series. Gives you some comic background for some of the stuff from the movie like Vanessa, sister Mary's, Ajax, etc. But if you'd rather skip a bunch of stuff and just go with a good jumping on point, the Marvel Now series by Posehn and Duggan is great. It doesn't require you to know too much about his older stories and it has superb writing.
:thud: :thud:

Is this for real! :lol

Holy crap what a Juggernaut!

It was another stellar weekend for Deadpool as the R-rated superhero feature dropped only 44.2% and is now the third highest grossing R-rated movie of all-time.

With an estimated $31.5 million first place finish, Deadpool's domestic cume now stands at an estimated $285.6 million. Stacked against previous R-rated releases, only American Sniper and The Passion of the Christ have taken in more at the domestic box office and it will be interesting to see how close to Sniper's $350.1 million Deadpoolcan get. Overseas the Merc with the Mouth added another $40+ million as the film's worldwide cume is now over $600 million.

When it comes to comic book adaptations, Deadpool will be leap-frogging Man of Steel ($291m) shortly for twelfth position on BoxOfficeMojo's comic book adaptation chart and will then be passing both Iron Man ($318.4m) and Iron Man 2 ($312.4m) with Guardians of the Galaxy ($333.1m) next on the list. No matter how much more it takes in, everything is gravy at this point for the $58 million budgeted release. Deadpool's impact will surely be felt in the years to come as studios begin to reconsider just how widespread their audience is when it comes to the superhero/comic book genre.
it was interesting to find out the reason it took this movie so long to make was because of Tom Rothman.

Tom Rothman was the one that made them sew the mouth of Deadpool in the first appearance. he is the reason a Deadpool movie was not greenlit for so many years

I found this online :rotfl

This is the guy who cut the budget of the original X-Men and pushed its release date to an earlier point in time - he thought it was going to bomb.

This is the guy who cancelled Firefly.

This is the guy who forced the Aliens Versus Predator movies to take place in the current day instead of in the future.

This is the guy who forced the director of Daredevil (2003) to cut down on screentime (hence why the director's cut is seen as a vast improvement over the theatrical version).

This is the guy who caused Stephen Norrington to quit filmmaking after hawking him during production of The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

This is the guy who nearly caused Alex Proyas to quit filmmaking after his work on I, Robot.

This is the guy who refused to give Roland Emmerich and Dean Devlin the money necessary to make a sequel to Independence Day in 2006.

This is the guy who prevented the X-Men from fighting Sentinels (beyond their brief training room cameo in X-Men: The Last Stand).

This is the guy who deliberately let Bryan Singer go direct Superman Returns instead of signing him up for the third movie after X2: X-Men United turned out to be a massive success.

This is the guy who said that Galactus had to be a cloud in Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer.

This is the who made Gavin Hood's job impossible through his meddling, leading to the disaster known as X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

This is the guy who turned down Peyton Reed's vision for a Fantastic Four movie in favor of hiring Josh Trank after sitting on the project for years.

This is the guy who fought tooth and nail to prevent a character-accurate Deadpool movie from being made while greenlighting the notoriously inaccurate Fant4stic; the latter was a colossal bomb, while the former has already become one of the biggest hits of the year in a mere three days.

This is the guy who received warning from Twentieth Century Fox CEO Rupert Murdoch that his meddling was harming morale at the company.

This is the guy who opposed the productions of Titanic and Avatar, the two most financially-successful films ever made.

This is the guy who has alienated so many directors that they have sworn off working for Fox again.
it was interesting to find out the reason it took this movie so long to make was because of Tom Rothman.

Tom Rothman was the one that made them sew the mouth of Deadpool in the first appearance. he is the reason a Deadpool movie was not greenlit for so many years

I found this online :rotfl

And he looks like a complete tool.
:thud: :thud:

Is this for real! :lol

Holy crap what a Juggernaut!

It was another stellar weekend for Deadpool as the R-rated superhero feature dropped only 44.2% and is now the third highest grossing R-rated movie of all-time.

With an estimated $31.5 million first place finish, Deadpool's domestic cume now stands at an estimated $285.6 million. Stacked against previous R-rated releases, only American Sniper and The Passion of the Christ have taken in more at the domestic box office and it will be interesting to see how close to Sniper's $350.1 million Deadpoolcan get. Overseas the Merc with the Mouth added another $40+ million as the film's worldwide cume is now over $600 million.

When it comes to comic book adaptations, Deadpool will be leap-frogging Man of Steel ($291m) shortly for twelfth position on BoxOfficeMojo's comic book adaptation chart and will then be passing both Iron Man ($318.4m) and Iron Man 2 ($312.4m) with Guardians of the Galaxy ($333.1m) next on the list. No matter how much more it takes in, everything is gravy at this point for the $58 million budgeted release. Deadpool's impact will surely be felt in the years to come as studios begin to reconsider just how widespread their audience is when it comes to the superhero/comic book genre.


I remember the whole "came out of nowhere B-list heroes who conquered" when Guardians did as well as it did and this will probably end up doing even better than that on a fraction of the budget.

I remember the whole "came out of nowhere B-list heroes who conquered" when Guardians did as well as it did and this will probably end up doing even better than that on a fraction of the budget.

To be fair, DP's not in the same boat as the Guardians. The Movie team had only one vol in 2008, and after Thanos Imperative and the death of Quill and Rider, the book ended. DP on the other hand had tons of solos, guest appearances, spin-offs, toys and was a pop-culture/internet icon well before GotG was even announced. Sure, the Guardians have exploded now, but they were never the same.

Still, DP's movie is like an indie arthouse film compared to GotG budget wise, so yeah, it will be crazy if this makes more money than an MCU summer blockbuster. Well, like I say, it's the execution that matters...