Broke and happy
Re: Deadpool Sequel - TBD
He just looks way too slim and that girly waist curve ain't helping him any lol.
He just looks way too slim and that girly waist curve ain't helping him any lol.
I don't like the look of Domino but I admit Cable looks pretty cool. I understand him being slimmer than the comics, none of the MCU heroes are as ripped as their comic counterparts save Thor (and Hulk obviously.)
Tiny Cable shall be his name.
Tiny Cable and whats the nickname for Domino?
Tiny Cable and whats the nickname for Domino?
It's not bad, but I've seen better cosplayers and fanmade versions, and that's never a good thing.
The costume needs some blue and the shoulder pad, which might be impractical in real life, but it's very distinctive.
I don't mind his diminutive stature. Some of my favorite action heroes and actors are tiny.
politically incorrect domino lol
politically incorrect domino lol