Deadpool spinoff movie?!

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Super Freak
Aug 7, 2007
Reaction score
Augusta, Georgia

hmmm..... perhaps.....
But the point was that Liefeld has come forward expressing confidence that his character will be treated respectfully, that the additional footage will change what the pirates have seen and is certain that if the movie is a financial success, he is told that Deadpool is on deck for his own film.
i think anythings a possible movie in the marvel universe right now.
anything that they pump put will make money so why not.
Recent comments make it seem like everything in the X-Men Universe will depend on the success of X-Men Origins: Wolverine. So I guess we'll see this Friday.
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hmmm..... perhaps.....

I hope they make it into a movie, Deadpool is a funny hack.
The movie will make money.. so they will make more crapy movies.

IMO they cannot make a Deadpool Movie right!! It will always be terrible.
We can only hope it would be as good as the punisher movie

I don't care what anyone says . . I loved Punisher War Zone . . .

I haven't watched the leaked Wolverine movie but I imagine Ryan Reynolds as being perfect for Deadpool . . .
I was excited about RR as Deadpool.... until I saw Origins. :yuck

He was fine in the one short scene he has, but other than swords and the RR "smartass" role he plays in everything it has no resemblance to the comic Deadpool at all. I have no interest in seeing more of what Origins has to give.
The movie will still make tons of bank regardless of quality because 1) it's an est. character from a popular franchise, 2) Hugh Jackman, 3) there is nothing else in theaters to compete with.
So is Ryan Reynolds good enough in Origins: Wolverine to warrant him a spin off film???

considering he's the self-proclaimed #1 fan of deadpool, and he's been pushing for a deadpool movie staring him since before he was cast in blade 3, Yes, very yes.
I highly doubt that Ryan Reynolds got himself cast as Deadpool for the what...15minutes of screen time he actually got, without at least trying to bargain for a spin off film.
Deadpool is a great character, and I think alot of people could be surprised with his performance/the quality of a spinoff film. There is more to him than Punisher, and Reynolds is a far better actor.
Please don't make it happen, Reynolds is one the worst actor ever, he killed the Blade franchise with is horrible performance as Hannibal King (even if he's not the only one to blame), plus the way they ruin Deadpool in Wolverine....truely doubt about a spin-off movie, at least, 'hope not.
Blade 3 was dead out of the door. the idea behind doing blade 3 was to try an launch Ryan reynolds career with a marvel film. he was pushing for a deadpool waay back then, so they gave him a "deadpoolish" character to play. Snipes was irratated at them using his blade franchise to do something like that (which, IMO is unprofessional as hell. the producers being unprofessional i mean) . I've HEARD (so bear in mind this is heresay) That snipes was so very ofended, that he no longer wanted to do any more blade films.
Lerath, I heard something similar. They wanted to see if Reynolds could do super hero, as all he'd done previous was comedy or RomCom. He did an alright job in a 'meh' film, and he is a great Deadpool. I've read the X-Men comics for years, and I still don't know how people can say he isn't right for the part.