I thought the world was going to end by some huge solar flare that would burn the entire planet to a crisp? Maybe I'm getting my doomsday stories/movies mixed up.
I GUARANTEE the world WILL be here and beyond after December 21st
Phew. Thats a relief.
I love people like that.
Eh, I don't know, it's kind of true. When you think about humanity as a whole, any advancement has been for us, by us. We pollute for wealth, we hunt for sport, we kill each other over differing ideologies, and we think we're the only ones who matter because we were lucky enough to be among the creatures born with higher intelligence. Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those hippy dippy Captain Planet losers, but one simply has to step back and take an objective look to see how ****ty we are as a species.
Eh, I don't know, it's kind of true. When you think about humanity as a whole, any advancement has been for us, by us. We pollute for wealth, we hunt for sport, we kill each other over differing ideologies, and we think we're the only ones who matter because we were lucky enough to be among the creatures born with higher intelligence. Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those hippy dippy Captain Planet losers, but one simply has to step back and take an objective look to see how ****ty we are as a species.
Hate to break it to you but you sure sound like a hippy dippy Captain Planet loser. You think we are the only mammals that do things to better our existence? You don't think packs of animals don't destroy other packs for land, or water? You never seen a cat playing with a mouse like a toy and then kill it and bring it to it's owner like a prize? For sport if you will. Different animals will totally destroy all fauna in a certain area and then move onto the next area only to repeat the behavior. Elephants and wild boars being 2 of them.
Not worth arguing about
a lot of talk out there about this----what say you freaks------