Destiny (Bungie's new title)

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I camped the cave only once for about 30 mins and got bored. Encoded all my engrams and a blue one turned out to be a legendary! I average over 20 kills in crucible now. Freaking hand cannon with 12 bullets!

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I camped the cave the other day. I agree with whomever said that if Bungie wants to stop it, they need to make the better drops happen in game. it sucks to slog through a strike and fight the boss, get a legendary engram, and it turns into a rare item or a strange coin. And would it kill them to have primary weapons that do void, sunlight, or electric damage? Why are all of those weapons limited to exotic, yet every secondary and heavy weapon can do it. I like Destiny, but it needs a few tweaks. Cheif being the loot drops and allowing us to have fireteams of 4 people.
What's really galling is that the last place finishers in Crucible matches are getting disproportionate hi level gear for their performances comparative to the top finishers. This game is really turning into a disappointment fast for me.
What's really galling is that the last place finishers in Crucible matches are getting disproportionate hi level gear for their performances comparative to the top finishers. This game is really turning into a disappointment fast for me.

Yeah that needs to stop. Nothing sucks worse than finishing at the top of the board in Crucible and seeing the guy who got 3 kills at the bottom get a legendary piece of gear or weapon.

My disappointment is being kept at bay, I think, because i have some good friends to play with. But I am already looking at Shadow of Mordor and wondering if i should pick it up.
Exactly! I've never gotten anything good from crucible. But I've seen numerous players towards the bottom get legendary. Just the other night, some guy that did horrible got an exotic. First time I even saw one

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You know, this would still be bad, but it could at least be mitigated if we could gift stuff to our friends. It is frustrating to finally get that legendary piece of gear and read it to find out the Titan gear won't work for your Hunter. Diablo lets us do this, why couldn't Bungie?
What's really galling is that the last place finishers in Crucible matches are getting disproportionate hi level gear for their performances comparative to the top finishers. This game is really turning into a disappointment fast for me.

Same thing happens in PVE strike missions. Get 130 kills 85 precision and get nothing. 30 kills 0 precision and get 2 legendaries. Its a complete crap shoot.

Got my first exotic the other night. (not my pic)


Pretty cool since Scout Rifles are by far my favorite weapons in the game.
Bungie, at the end of the day, doesn't know what they're doing.

They took Halo, and added all these Loot and MMO elements to it. They're not familiar with drop rates or attracting players to involve themselves more with the loot hunt.

Granted, they're newbies in the field but even the pioneer of the loot craze, Blizzard, didn't get it right the first time with Diablo 3. In fact, Bungie could learn well from seeing how Diablo 3 handles loot.
Yeah, I got a thing for upgrading the cryptographer and I got 2 rare and 1 legendary engram and I got 2 blues and a green after. I agree with the crucible, it's brutal. The unlocks at the end are completely random. I had one match where my team completely dominated the other team, and I mean they took it like bottom ***** in prison and I was too dog by a long shot. Second place guy wasn't even close to me. Just like in angry Joes video, my K:D ratio was huge, I had a ton of those little banner things like killing spree and shotgun spree and whatnot. Probably best match I'd personally ever had. I got nothing and every other person on my team who ranged from decent to negative ratio got double unlocks except for 1 guy and one of them got a legendary engram. It's like there's no incentive to actually do well in these matches. A lot of times I would just trudge through maps because I had a bounty that I needed to finish. I had one for playing 5 rounds of skirmish and I was getting dominated so I said **** it and just half assed until I got the bounty.

The best part is I get probably 6 green for every 1 blue and green anything is completely useless. I don't even bother checking stats. As soon as I finish a mission or whatever, I just X every green I find.

Another thing too is that there is barely any variety with weapons. You look at a game like borderlands where you could find 20 different rocket launchers and each one would half different specs and damage. But in this it's like you find 5 different rocket launchers and maybe you get lucky and 1 of them does 5 more damage. I don't even get excited with drops anymore. My eyes glaze over with blues and greens. Even Diablo got it right by upping the drop rate on legendaries. You may get more but that doesn't necessarily mean it'll be better but it's still something. I think what they need to do is up the drop rate but also throw more variety into them. Give us 20 or 30 of each weapon, color swap em I don't care, and give them a bigger range of specs.
Yeah the variety in this game is severely lacking. And I'm not talking about game play we all know thats a problem. But ALL the armor the factions sell look the exact same. It's so Lame. Many gripes about this game but for some reason I can't stop playing it.
Yeah the variety in this game is severely lacking. And I'm not talking about game play we all know thats a problem. But ALL the armor the factions sell look the exact same. It's so Lame. Many gripes about this game but for some reason I can't stop playing it.

That's what a lot of people are saying.
I'm enjoying it quite a bit. Level 24 currently. I see everyone's frustration regarding the drops. For the longest time I was running around with a green uncommon auto rifle (my primary of choice) becuz I could not for the life of me find a rare let alone legendary AR. Eventually I got looking after leveling my crypt arch rank to 5 and he gifted me the exotic sniper rifle Ice Breaker (look it up!) it's amazing. Really sick. I am three shotting Bosses taking 7500 hp with each shot. If this kind of thing were more rampant the game would be stupid easy. The level 24 weekly strikes? My 3 person fire time beat the boss (thanks to the ice breaker) before any of his subordinate horde was even killed. We literally took cover after killing him to wait for the enemies to Despawn.
Yeah the variety in this game is severely lacking. And I'm not talking about game play we all know thats a problem. But ALL the armor the factions sell look the exact same. It's so Lame. Many gripes about this game but for some reason I can't stop playing it.

As a huge Bungie fan, I can't but feel that this was a half-assed effort on their part. At least, the core game portion is as of now. Lacking everything that will really keep a player engaged past that inital 10-12 hour game time. Bungie promised a huge, expansive world and just did not deliver.
I'm enjoying it quite a bit. Level 24 currently. I see everyone's frustration regarding the drops. For the longest time I was running around with a green uncommon auto rifle (my primary of choice) becuz I could not for the life of me find a rare let alone legendary AR. Eventually I got looking after leveling my crypt arch rank to 5 and he gifted me the exotic sniper rifle Ice Breaker (look it up!) it's amazing. Really sick. I am three shotting Bosses taking 7500 hp with each shot. If this kind of thing were more rampant the game would be stupid easy. The level 24 weekly strikes? My 3 person fire time beat the boss (thanks to the ice breaker) before any of his subordinate horde was even killed. We literally took cover after killing him to wait for the enemies to Despawn.

Yeah, I got a legendary sniper rifle called The Epitaph, very powerful.
"I don't always snipe in FPS games but when I do I use The Epitath"
Yeah, I got a legendary sniper rifle called The Epitaph, very powerful.
"I don't always snipe in FPS games but when I do I use The Epitath"

i have a Legendary Sniper Also called Final Boss and an Exotic Heavy Machine Gun called Thunderlord. I have the Bounty to get Thorn, but I am kind of screwed as i play as a hunter, and i have to get 500 points in Crucible using void damage. Which none of my specials use, and only exotic primary weapons have damage modifers. So my choice is to run around with my Sniper, which I am not that good at.

Destiny needs some fixing. And yeah, this is not what we were promised. But I am addicted. What does that say about me?
Yeah now I have legendary AR called shadow prime and legendary rocket launcher (can't remember name) plus two pieces of legendary armor (the queens bounties helped with that)