They already get a percentage when the game is sold new at $60+ now they want even more when their game is deemed unplayable /old news by the gaming community
hmmm seems like greed to me.
I understand the developers frustration. They are butthurt because so many people don't want to drop $60 on a game that they will beat in a week, but this is really no different from game rentals; except that game rentals bounce the game around a hell of alot more times. Over the last four years, I have probably bought a total of five games new: Fallout 3, Dragon Age: Origins, Resident Evil 5, F.E.A.R. 2, and Street Fighter IV. There might be others, but I don't think so.
Yet, I have beaten darn near every game on Gamespot's top 360 game list (7.5 and above) and I would say most of those come from renting the game at Blockbuster. Any games that I want to play multiplayer on Live or I see me playing for longer than seven days, I just wait for a few weeks and buy it off eBay for 1/2 the price.
Most people don't complete games--in fact, just about 5% of people who play a game complete it
Lol...they're made because they're only getting once for every new game sale?? The day they go the PC game route where you no longer have a physical disc....I'm done with gaming. I already hate the fact that some anti-piracy allows you to only install a game "X" number of times as it is.
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