I couldn't take another season of this terrible show.
and yet you kept watching....
I couldn't take another season of this terrible show.
and yet you kept watching....
Anyone is a ******* liar if they say they wouldn't watch the 9th season.
and yet you kept watching....
Because it was the end. Of course I'm going to watch it to the end. Why would I give up? I was on that ship regardless if it sank or not.
Besides, are you defending it? Why? It sucks. It was really funny too. It was the most baffling excuse for a television show I've ever seen. They got every single thing wrong, and yet, they managed to get the things they got wrong, wrong.
I wouldn't watch another season, if it was announced right now. That is a fact. If 9 was announced as the final season and 8 was another season, I would've skipped 8, and jumped right into 9, like I did with 7.
They couldn't fix this show if they tried. It's done. The damage is done. The last 4 seasons were absolutely terrible, and unwatchable. It was so bad, it even made the rest of the show pretty much unwatchable. I know how it ends. It ends with lumberjacks ladies and gents. Lumberjacks and drama for soccer mom's.
But there is good in this. Dexter will forever be known as the show with the worst series finale of all time, and "...and then he becomes a lumberjack." will go down as a hilarious meme on how NOT to end a TV show. VIVA LA DEXTER!
Just checking. Some people have defended it. Which is baffling to me.
If you've followed a series most of the way through, you want to know how it ends. No matter what.
So your poo didn't turn into a lumberjack?
So your poo didn't turn into a lumberjack?
The only thing that saves it is that he looked like a pretty ****ed up angry lumberjack, so we can only hope he's still on the prowl.
Anyone with half a brain could of come up with at least 20 better endings to that show.
although this is not perfect... (some stuff is not great)
I honestly though this is what the ending was going to be like. Honestly before the first episode I had an idea of what it could be like,
And it sounded a lot like this one,I mean, I expected something like this...
I wanted a season eight where Dexter is on the run and there's a manhunt. Instead of Harry appearing to him it would be Doakes. Every decision Dexter makes Doakes would tell him it doesn't matter, it's only a matter of time, you're as good as dead m*************.
I was half joking but honestly any idea is better than what they did.