The writing right off the bat you can tell is lacking, not very good dialogue and dumbed down...
Some good, some can't judge a season by one episode, just enjoy the ride and hope at the end we get our adventures worth.
SPOILER ALERT -- stop reading here if havent seen the 1st episode
1. I could do without the 'Hammer time' line when he's going to slaughter the victim at the reunion. It's corny, not what Dexter is about and very Hollywood, just nothing I dig and not in Dexter's persona.
2. The whole Deb/Quinn thing looks like something right out of HBO's 'Entourage.' Geez, "did you buy a big screen...," "I need to talk to you at dinner...," while at the crime scene, and the whole bathroom, I'm going to propose, let me practice in front of the mirror schtick was just typical sitcom, typical TV drama, writing...
3. LOVE the creepiness of the new characters Olmos & Hanks. They look like a bunch of ghouls and the snake angle, the ritual being placed out there looks like it going to be fun...
4. Anyone else got douche chills during the Dexter dance scene? Ughhhh...
5. Batista/Sister..."you're like dad...," scene....Ughhhhhhh!