Because the fates seem to have decreed that I have the longest possible wait before I get to see the film I've been most looking forward to of all the summer blockbusters. Was supposed to see it on Saturday, didn't happen. Postponed to wednesday but now I can easily see that not happening either because the other half has conveniently taken ill. I called one Dr.Crane and he said 'Theres nothing "convenient" about her condition'.
let me ask you then, what expectations do you have.
Take her twin sister to see it.
Well I've read other peoples thoughts on here, heard my brothers' thoughts and I've kinda been moderating my expectations based on all that. I gather that its a worthy film to close the trilogy, but not perfect in every sense. I think that may be good enough for me.
I voted "NO"... This movie sucked so much only fanboys enjoyed this piece of trash. They need to stop making batman movies.
Did TDKR meet or exceed your expectations?
Just a simple yes or no answer will suffice please.
My vote: NO
The answers should have been met or exceeded. That or ask the question to fit a yes or no answer. Something simple like Did The Dark Knight Rises meet your expectations? But you tried...
The question was asked to fit a yes or no answer. You didn't understand the question.
Unnecessary TDKR Thread #6
Unnecessary TDKR Thread #6