Director Tony Scott dead in apparent suicide

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I don't want to say anything, because that's a WHOLE nother issue. But I think we agree. And that 'dunno' probably means exactly what my 'dunno' means. :eek:
Even if someone is sick, there are far better, and less painful, ways to kill yourself than leaping to your death. That's assuming, of course, you haven't always wanted to jump off a high rise like a fleet-footed assassin or some ****.
I don't want to say anything, because that's a WHOLE nother issue. But I think we agree. And that 'dunno' probably means exactly what my 'dunno' means. :eek:

Yeah, gotta be low-key here, that's obvious.

If the news comes out though and he wasn't sick, yeah "I dunno". I know this thread won't last very long unless we change it to the "do you like True Romance" thread.
I don't even want to think about what it feels like at the moment of impact.

What could be worse than that? How bad do things have to get for a person to say, "I'd rather jump off a bridge than live one more minute"?
Yep same.

The thought of cancer and the ultimate choice he made got me thinking about choices people make in general. Like, "what would I do if I had cancer and it was inoperable". Especially when I think about my loved ones who have died from cancer. But if he just offed himself for personal reasons and didn't suffer from any illness, I dunno.

I'd climb to the top of Mount Everest. If I died on the way up, what the hell? I'm going anyway. If I made it, I'm the badass mutha____a that climbed Mount Everest before he died. :lecture
Even if someone is sick, there are far better, and less painful, ways to kill yourself than leaping to your death. That's assuming, of course, you haven't always wanted to jump off a high rise like a fleet-footed assassin or some ****.

A lot of people commit suicide in ways that are INCREDIBLY painful, but they have no clue.

Some people drown themselves, electrocute themselves, take pills, which destroy them from the inside out...ect.
Yeah, I have a morbid fear of drowning, so that's never going to happen. I'd shoot myself in the face twice before I tried to drown myself. Not even kidding. If I botched the first shot, I would literally shoot myself again before I ever got the stupid idea to drown my ****ing self. Good god. Accidental drowing is bad enough.

I don't even want to think about what it feels like at the moment of impact.

Yeah, I've thought about this before. Surely they feel something. I doubt it's an instant, painless death.

That's another thing about suicide, you see a lot of cases where people do it wrong and end up living an even more miserable life (painful and paralyzed).

Pretty morbid discussion but **** happens.
I'm pretty sure he didn't die on impact. They pulled him out of the water and brought him to a hospital.

And yeah, I've heard of people trying to blow their heads off and spending the rest of their lives with half a head and a bib to catch the drool. ****ing horrific.
That's why if I really had no will to live and for whatever ****ed up reason felt the need to kill myself... I would use a shotgun. There's almost no surviving that. You can be a terrible shot, but point black range with a shotgun is about as guaranteed a kill as you can get.
I think something like an opiate overdose would be fairly painless. Just guessing, though.

I am fairly certain that death by electrocution is not instantaneous. I was under the impression that survivors of lightning strikes made it because they weren't exposed to the voltage for long enough. Also, if you've ever seen footage of an electric chair execution, it sure as hell does not look instantaneous.
I'm pretty sure he didn't die on impact. They pulled him out of the water and brought him to a hospital.

Most likely he hit the water, blacked out, and drowned. His body wasn't recovered for several hours after the incident.
That would make the most sense, but for some reason I remember reading that he died at, or on the way, to the hospital.

Even if you black out when you hit that water (I don't know how a person could even stay conscious), the last thing you're going to feel before losing consciousness will be the force of your body hitting the water.