the sad part is people needing a religion to help determine whats right and wrong.
... its the lack of common sense and discretion thats the issue IMO ...
Every single law (country) in this world is based on the word of God, it has nothing to do with common sense. If that were the case you wouldn't have people living in the bush fashioning bones through there faces hunting each other like wild animals.
Every single law (country) in this world is based on the word of God, it has nothing to do with common sense. If that were the case you wouldn't have people living in the bush fashioning bones through there faces hunting each other like wild animals.
exactly!!! That's what I was gonna say. Common sense-in a sense-is the word of god.
exactly!!! That's what I was gonna say. Common sense-in a sense-is the word of god.
exactly. And thats the problem.
Imagine of all those religions 1 of them is the right one. That could potentially mean that all of the others might as well be based on Howard the Duck.
People need to learn to think for themselves and not look for guidance in some vague, might be true, might not be true, blurry book.
"Should I shoot this guy in the face? ..... hold on... let me check to see what the book says I should do..."
my father-in-law made me laugh last time he was in town when he said
"You know what faith is dont you? ...... believing in something you know is not true" ......
I like that line.
I have been disgusted with humanity for a long time. The complete lack of moral standing in the world is a huge part of it's probelm. That's all I will say in this thread because there is no arguing with some people. ( no one specific )
yeah he's really a breath of fresh air whenever he shows up. he can be very "out there".
He's retired now and has been thru about every religion possible. He winters in India now usually. We have great unbiased and open-minded discussions about religions. Very broad discussions.
Neither of us typically have good opinions towards most religions, but he did agree when I said "No matter what the religion is, if it makes a person make a better decision or do a good deed, then so be it. I dont care what theyre influenced by and its a good thing. Their religion might be one of the biggest jokes on earth, but if it resulted in a good deed, then thats still a good thing that came from that religion (fairy tale)"
I just get frustrated people even need any religion as guidance as to whats right and whats wrong.
He also mentioned that over where he visits in India there's not much law enforcement of any kind around and that the people rely on fear of Karma to keep them from committing crimes or any bad deeds what so ever.
I thought that was great personally. No matter what anybody in their life as far as decision making goes they should look to 1 question to base their judgement. "Would I like someone else to do the same to me?" if the answer is No, then dont do it. Plain and simple. No need to refer to a religion for direction.
Whatever God is out there and in control must constantly Face-Palm himself and think "For the Love of ME!! can't these people make any decisions for themselves. What a waste of that brain thing I put in them"
I'm disgusted with Nick Saban!